Installing the Web GUI in silent mode

Silent installation requires an XML response file that defines the installation configuration. Silent mode is useful if you want identical installation configurations on multiple workstations.

Before you begin

  • Set the necessary user permissions for your intended installation directories. See IBM Installation Manager overview and the information under About this task.
  • Configure localhost on the host.
  • Remove existing Beta test versions of the Web GUI from the host.

About this task

The steps for starting Installation Manager differ depending on in which user mode it was installed. The steps for installing with the Installation Manager console are common to all user modes and operating systems. Take note of the following information about permissions on the supported operating systems:

  • For UNIX operating systemFor Linux operating systemInstallation Manager takes account of your current umask settings when it sets the permissions mode of the files and directories that it installs. If you use Administrator mode or Nonadministrator mode and your umask is 0, Installation Manager uses a umask of 22. If you use Group mode, Installation Manager ignores any group bits that are set and uses a umask of 2 if the resulting value is 0.
  • For Windows operating systemYou must install Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus as an Administrator user.

The procedure for recording a silent response file differs depending on whether you want to install a new instance of Jazz® for Service Management and WebSphere® Application Server as part of the installation of the Web GUI, or you have an existing Jazz for Service Management into which the Web GUI will be installed.

  • For an existing Jazz for Service Management, you need a silent response file for the installation settings of the Web GUI only. A sample response file is in the installation package at cdimage/responsefiles/platform/OMNIbusWebGUI_install_response.xml, where platform is unix or windows.
  • For a new installation of Jazz for Service Management, silent response files settings are needed for Jazz for Service Management and WebSphere Application Server. Depending on your environment, you have the following options:

The response file includes the location of the repository from which the installation package is obtained.

  • You can specify a local or remote repository.
  • You can have Installation Manager download the package from IBM Passport Advantage®.


  1. Record the response file or files.
  2. Read the license.txt license agreement file, which is in the installation package, in /native/
  3. To encrypt the password that is used by the administrative user for the initial login to Dashboard Application Services Hub, change to /eclipse/tools in the Installation Manager installation directory and enter the following command:
    • For UNIX operating systemFor Linux operating system./imutilsc encryptString password
    • For Windows operating systemimutilsc encryptString password
    Where password is the password to be encrypted.
  4. To start the silent installation, enter the following command:
    • For UNIX operating systemFor Linux operating system./imcl -input response_file -silent -acceptlicense [-log full_path_to_log_file]
    • For Windows operating systemimcl.exe -input response_file -silent -acceptlicense [-log full_path_to_log_file]
    Where response_file is the directory path to the response file that you recorded in step 1 and full_path_to_log_file is the location in which the installation log is created.