Setting a trace

Enable a trace of the Jazz® for Service Management application server server when you want to keep a record of activity.

Before you begin

The console has a Troubleshooting Logs and Trace option for enabling a trace.

About this task

Follow these steps to set a trace that will record the Jazz for Service Management application server actions in a log file: /opt/IBM/JazzSM/profiles/logs/server1/trace.log.


  1. Log in to the Web GUI.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Console Settings > Websphere Admin Console and click Launch Websphere Admin Console.
  3. In the WebSphere Application Server administrative console, select Troubleshooting > Logs and traces.
  4. Select the Jazz for Service Management application server name (such as server1) in the Logging and Tracing portlet.
  5. In the Configuration tab, click Change Log Detail Levels.
  6. In the Groups list, expand* and click*.
  7. Select a log level (such as All Messages and Traces) and click OK or Apply.
  8. When prompted to save the configuration, click Save.
  9. Restart the Jazz for Service Management application server server:
    1. In the JazzSM_Home/bin directory, depending on your operating system, enter one of the following commands:
      • For Windows operating systemstopServer.bat server1
      • For UNIX operating systemFor Linux operating server1
        Note: On UNIX and Linux systems, you are prompted to provide an administrator username and password.
    2. In the JazzSM_Home/bin directory, depending on your operating system, enter one of the following commands:
      • For Windows operating systemstartServer.bat server1
      • For UNIX operating systemFor Linux operating server1


After the server has been stopped and restarted, trace entries are saved to the /opt/IBM/JazzSM/profiles/logs/server1/trace.log file.