Managing events in the Event Viewer

Use the JavaScript Event Viewer to monitor and manage events. You can access Event Viewers in any page in Dashboard Application Services Hub that hosts an Event Viewer widget. A default Event Viewer widget is in the navigation, under Incidents > Event Viewer. The Event Viewer can display events from multiple data sources in the same list.

Before you begin

  • Create and apply the filters that control the events that are received by the Event Viewer.
  • Create the views that control the appearance of the Event Viewer.
  • Develop the tools that you want users to run from the Event Viewer and add them to the menu.
  • For optimal performance, use the default EDS data provider mode. For more information, see Netcool Web GUI Event Viewer data provider modes EDS and CURI .
To run event management tools:
  • A user requires the ncw_user role.
  • The administrator must configure a tool (optionally with prompts).
  • The command line tool must be enabled for your operating system.
  • A user requires authorization to use the tool based on the configured classes and groups for the tools.
  • The administrator must add the tool to the alerts menu (or other submenu on the alerts menu).


Common tasks for monitoring and managing events in the Event Viewer are described in the following table.
Table 1. Monitoring and managing events in the Event Viewer
Action Instructions More information
Refreshing the event data Click Refresh event data Refresh button. The time it takes for the event list to reload depends on the number of events received from the ObjectServer. During the refresh, a progress indicator is displayed in the events area.

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3A timer on the status bar displays the time remaining until the next Event Viewer refresh. Click the timer to pause the countdown, and click it again to refresh the Event Viewer and resume the periodic refresh.

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2Changing the view onto the current events Resolved from fix pack
2To apply a different view, select a view from the list that is on the toolbar. Resolved from fix pack
Changing the information that is displayed Select a different view or filter:
  • To select a different filter, click the drop-down list of filters on the toolbar and select an item from the list. To locate a filter more quickly, you can type its name, or the first few characters of the name, in the filter list. This function is useful when there are large number of filters and the one you require is towards the end of the list. After being selected, the event list rows update according to the filter settings.
Copying data from the Event Viewer
  1. Select one or more events in the event list or the event details window.
  2. Right-click on the selection and click Copy.
  3. If a confirmation dialog is displayed, click OK to complete the copying of the data.

Functionality delivered in fix pack
14Copy a cell from the Event Viewer

  1. Launch Event Viewer.
  2. Click Preferences Preferences button. The Workspace Preferences window displays.
  3. Within this window, select the Data tab.
  4. Within this tab, tick the Copy cell only check-box.
  5. Select Apply & Save.
  6. Within Event Viewer, position your cursor in the cell you want to copy and press CTRL+C. Alternatively, within the cell, right-click and from the drop-down menu select Copy.
After you set this preference, if you want to copy a full row press CTRL+SHIFT+C.

Functionality delivered in fix pack
14Enable clickable links in the Event Viewer cells

  1. Set EDS mode as the download method of events from the server to the Event Viewer. In WEBGUI_HOME/etc/server.init, have the property value
  2. Log in to your ObjectServer. You can use the nco_config tool.
  3. Go to Databases > alert.status > Data View tab
  4. In the Data View tab, select a summary field.
  5. Update the summary field with External Link.
  6. In the Event Viewer, click View Builder, the View Builder starts.
  7. In View Builder, select Default Global View > Display columns > Event List View > Summary Field .
  8. Select the HTML Column check-box.
  9. Save the view.
This function is not restricted to only the Summary field in the ObjectServer, you can apply this function to fields that are of type varchar.
  • Add external clickable link into a HTML column (example)
    • Go to Databases > alert.status > Data View tab > Summary.
    • Add the following code.
    <a href="" 
    style="background-color: yellow; 
    color: black; 
    display: block; width: 100%; 
    height: 100%; 
    text-align: center;">External Link!</a>
    • After you add the code and save the view, the Event Viewer summary column displays a link called External Link, when the user clicks on that link, a window opens which displays the IBM website.
    • If you want to change the HTML column appearance,then apply CSS by using the style attribute.
  • Run a tool from a HTML column (example)
    • To run a tool from a HTML column, use the executeWebGUITool<TOOL_NAME> function, the parameter for this function is the <TOOL_NAME>
    • To run the acknowledge tool, use the following type of code.
    <a href="javascript:executeWebGUITool
    style="background-color: #F00; 
    color: #FFF; 
    display: block; width: 100%; 
    height: 100%; 
    text-align: center;
    ">Acknowledge Tool</a>
    • To run a tool that requires more parameters, separate the parameters with _ in the executeWebGUITool function. For example, to run the Prioritise > Critical tool, use the following type of code.
    <a href="javascript:executeWebGUITool
    style="background-color: #F00; 
    color: #FFF; 
    display: block; width: 100%; 
    height: 100%; 
    text-align: center;
    ">Prioritise Tool > Criticial Link</a>
Freezing event data Select an event and click FreezeFreeze button. While the content of a Event Viewer is frozen you can still use the Refresh button (Refresh button) to carry out a one-off update of the event list.
Unfreezing event data Select a frozen event and click UnfreezeFreeze button.  
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2Add a journal entry for an event Resolved from fix pack
2Right-click on the selected event and click Journal. Resolved from fix pack
2You can also add a journal entry for an event via the Journals tab on the Information window.

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16Select all events

Click Select All to select all events in the Event Viewer.  

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16Deselect all events

Click Deselect All to deselect all events in the Event Viewer.  
Filtering events by severity Click the required severity icon in the summary bar of the event list. To remove severity filtering, click the severity icon again to restore the event list to its original view. You can filter by multiple severities. For example to view all major and critical events, click the orange and red icons. To return to the full display, click the icons once more.

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1Filtering events by keywords

Type any text string in the toolbar text box and the event list is filtered accordingly. Every column in the current view is searched for the string.

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3Changing user preferences

Click Preferences Preferences button. You can change the Workspace Preferences in the Event Viewer, for example to customize Style, Layout, Data, Resolved from fix pack
4 Notifications.
Note: If the Preferences checkbox is deselected in the Toolbar Configuration and saved, the Preferences button is no longer displayed on the Toolbar in the Event Viewer. The Preferences button must be recovered by updating the user's nova file and restarting Event Viewer. Set the event_viewer_show_toolbar_preferences="true" property in the <username>.nova file in the following directory.

Resolved from fix pack
3Creating custom quick filters

To create a custom quick filter:
  1. Click the drop-down menu beside the toolbar text box Edit options button > Build Quick Filter.
  2. A window opens where you can select a Field, Operator, and enter a Search Term.
To edit an existing quick filter:
  1. Click the drop-down arrow on the filter strip button that represents the quick filter, and click Edit.
  2. Change any of the existing parameters.
  3. Click Apply.
To create quick filters based on the value of an existing cell:
  1. Select a cell that contains a value on which to base the quick filter.
  2. Click Alerts > Quick Filter (or right-click > Quick Filter), and select an option from the list.
The events are filtered to only those that meet the filter condition. The applied filter condition is displayed in a button on the filter strip. To remove quick filtering and restore the event list to its original view of all events, click the individual cross icons on each filter strip button or remove all quick filters via the drop-down menu on the quick filter field Edit options button.

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16Return to the default filter and view

Click Return to default filter and view to clear any custom filtering of events. This button resets the Event Viewer page, or event pop-up, filtering, as follows:
  • For an Event Viewer page in a Dashboard Application Services Hub environment, the view and filter defined in the portlet preferences is reapplied.
  • For a pop-up event view, the view and filter defined in the pop-up's URL is reapplied.
Sorting columns To sort the rows using a single column, click the column header to sort the rows in ascending order of that column. Click the column header twice to sort the rows in descending order of that column. Initially, the order of the rows in the Event Viewer event area are determined by the view that is applied.

When data is sorted by a field that has conversions in the data source, the sorting is done by the conversion value of the field (that is, the display value) and not the underlying integer field value. Examples of such fields are Acknowledged, Class, and OwnerUID.

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4Moving columns

To drag a column into a new position on the grid, click a column header to select that column. Then, hover over the data in the column and when the cursor changes to a move pointer click, hold, and drag the column left or right into a new position.

Alternatively, you can click on a column header to select that column. Then, use CTRL+right arrow or CTRL+left arrow to move the column right or left in the grid.

This feature must be enabled by an Administrator in Web GUI user preferences.
Any manual column movements will be removed when the view is refreshed, such as in the following scenarios:
  1. The view definition is updated on the server (Event Viewer retrieves the updated definition).
  2. Column locking is turned on in workspace preferences (Event Viewer re-retrieves the view definition to get locked column information).
Running event management tools
  1. Select an event or a row containing multiple events.
  2. Right-click on the selected item to display the Alerts menu.
  3. Click the event management tool that you want to run.
  4. If prompted, enter or select information that a tool requires.
Before running a command tool for the first time, you must install the execution of command tools plugin. The system can be configured by an administrator to use a Web GUI Tool Launch plugin to execute command tools from the Event Viewer. To install the plugin, see Installing the Web GUI Tool Launch plugin.
Note: Command tools will not appear on the tools menu in Event Viewer by default.

Resolved from fix pack
1Displaying a watch list map

  1. Edit the Event Viewer widget preferences and enable Show watch list filters.
  2. Edit the Map widget preferences and enable Display dynamic watch list map.
The map displays all accessible watch lists in the right navigation pane. This includes a user's own watch lists and any associated with groups that a user belongs to. When a watch list is created or deleted in the Event Viewer, the monitor boxes in the watch list map are automatically updated. When a monitor box is selected the Event Viewer displays the associated watch list filter.

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1Adding to a watch list

  1. Select one or more rows in the event list.
  2. Right-click on the selected item and click Add to watch list.
  3. From the drop down list select the watch list you want to add to. You can also type the first letters of the watch list name and select it from the options provided.
  4. Optional: select the Conditions tab and verify the changes to the watch list.
  5. Click Add.

Resolved from fix pack
3Execute tools on the Event Viewer using keyboard shortcuts

Note: System hot keys are not customizable











Copy selected events to clipboard (System)

Launch View Builder (System)

Launch Filter Builder (System)

Refresh event display (System)

Freeze event display (System)

Show event information (System)

Show event journal (System)

Acknowledge selected events (Custom)

De-acknowledge selected events (Custom)

Open the Preferences window (System)