E-GOB-102-057 [ngobjserv]: Failed to send the command to the ObjectServer. (%0d:%1s)


The following example shows how this message is written to the log:
Error: E-GOB-102-057: [ngobjserv]:
 Failed to send the command to the ObjectServer.
 (-19: General failure)

The example error message was written to a bidirectional ObjectServer gateway log file and indicates that the gateway cannot send a command to the ObjectServer.

System action

Not applicable.

User response

Not applicable.

Administrator response

This error can be caused by many different conditions. Verify that the ObjectServer is running correctly and that it is managing the current load.

To monitor ObjectServer performance, ensure that the ObjectServer Profile property is enabled, and review the profile and trigger statistics logs in the $NCHOME/omnibus/logs/ObjectServer_name_profiler_report.log1 and $NCHOME/omnibus/logs/ObjectServer_name_trigger_stats.log1 files.

Ensure that the total time from client requests and automations in both the profile and trigger statistics logs is less than the ObjectServer Granularity property setting (the default is 60 seconds).

If the total time is regularly longer than the Granularity property setting, ObjectServer performance might degrade. Troubleshoot the clients and triggers that are identified in the log files as consuming the most IDUC cycles. The client time might be longer than the granularity period because of ObjectServer multithreading.