Running gateways

On UNIX and Linux operating systems, you start gateways from the command line. On Windows operating systems, you can start gateways from the command line or as Windows services.

To start a gateway that uses the default configuration files, use the following command:
  • On UNIX and Linux: $OMNIHOME/bin/nco_g_gateway_name
  • On Windows: %OMNIHOME%\bin\nco_g_gateway_name
To start a second instance of a gateway, with a different name, use one of the following commands.
  • On UNIX and Linux:
    • Use the following command to start a gateway that uses multiple configuration files:

      $OMNIHOME/bin/nco_g_gateway_name -name GATE2 -propsfile $OMNIHOME/etc/GATE2.props

    • Use the following command to start a gateway that uses a single configuration file:

      $OMNIHOME/bin/nco_g_gateway_name -name GATE2 -config $OMNIHOME/etc/GATE2.conf

  • On Windows:
    • Use the following command to start a gateway that uses multiple configuration files:

      %OMNIHOME%\bin\nco_g_gateway_name.exe -name GATE2 -propsfile %OMNIHOME%\etc\GATE2.props

    • Use the following command to start a gateway that uses a single configuration file:

      %OMNIHOME%\bin\nco_g_gateway_name.exe -name GATE2 -config %OMNIHOME%\etc\GATE2.conf

On UNIX and Linux operating systems, you must run gateways under process control.

Running gateways as Windows services

To run the gateway as a Windows service, use the following steps:
  1. To run the gateway on the same host as the ObjectServer, use the following command to register it as a service:

    %OMNIHOME%\bin\nco_g_gateway_name.exe -install -depend NCOObjectServer

  2. To run the gateway on a different host to the ObjectServer, use the following command to register it as a service:

    %OMNIHOME%\bin\nco_g_gateway_name.exe -install

  3. Start the gateway using the Microsoft Services Management Console.