Acknowledging and deacknowledging events

You can acknowledge and deacknowledge events in the event list only if you have permission to do so.

About this task

Note: You can acknowledge and deacknowledge only the events that are assigned to you, your group, or the nobody user.

To acknowledge all selected events, click Alerts > Acknowledge. The status line displays the number of acknowledged events, and the number of events that could not be acknowledged because they are not assigned to you.

If configured by your system administrator, you are required to enter a journal entry whenever you acknowledge an event in the event list. If this is the case, the Journal Entry window opens whenever you acknowledge an event. Complete this window as follows:
Journal list box
If configured by your system administrator, this list box displays existing journal text entered by your system administrator. Complete the journal entry.
If configured by your system administrator, a prompt window or a pop-up menu might be displayed for you to enter or select information. There is a limit of 4096 characters for each journal entry.
Click this button to save the text entry to the journal and acknowledge the alert. This text is appended to the journal of the selected alert or alerts when the tool is used. Your user name, and the date and time, are automatically added.
Click this button to close this window without saving your entry.

To deacknowledge all selected events, click Alerts > Deacknowledge. The status line displays the number of deacknowledged events, and the number of events that could not be deacknowledged because they are not assigned to you.