disjoin command fails with DB2 SQL errors

Actions to take if the disjoin command fails.

Failure on line 166 of uninstall.ant

The disjoin command fails with the following error.

 [java] Disjoin from HA system procedure commencing... 
     [java] Exception thrown: Problem with the database! 
     [java]  DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -204, SQLSTATE: 42704, SQLERRMC: DB2INST1.NODES 
     [java] Please check that the database is not empty! 


To resolve this problem:

  • Ensure that the DB2® host is running.
  • Ensure that the user and database information in the properties file is correct.
  • Check that the database is not empty.
  • Ensure that the port for communication between the DB2 host and the Dashboard Application Services Hub server is correctly defined.

Failure on line 90 of uninstall.ant

The disjoin command fails with the following error.

The server is running, it must be stopped!

To diagnose this problem, change to JazzSM_WAS_Profile/bin and run the following command:

./serverStatus.sh -all -profileName JazzSMProfile -username adminuser -password adminpass

Output is displayed that is similar to the following sample:

ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file

ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the JazzSMProfile profile
ADMU0503I: Retrieving server status for all servers
ADMU0505I: Servers found in configuration:
ADMU0506I: Server name: server1
ADMU0509I: The Application Server "server1" cannot be reached. It appears to be stopped.

This problem is because the uninstall.sh command is running and hanging on the serverStatus command. The message ADMU0509I: The Application Server "server1" cannot be reached. It appears to be stopped. indicates that the Dashboard Application Services Hub server is hanging. The following table describes are some common causes and solutions for this problem:

Table 1. Causes and solutions for stopping the serverStatus
Cause Solution
More than one Dashboard Application Services Hub application or component is running. For example, Tivoli® Common Reporting is running alongside the Web GUI. In this case, the serverStatus command is hanging on a Tivoli Common Reporting process that is still running. For Tivoli Common Reporting, run the Tivoli Common Reporting stop script before you run the disjoin. The Tivoli Common Reporting script stops all underlying Dashboard Application Services Hub.
A JAVA_HOME or JAVA environment variable is incorrectly set. Check the values of these environment variables and correct if necessary.
The server.xml file is corrupted. In the output of the serverStatus command, review the error information and fix the configuration in the file. Alternatively, restore a backup copy of the file.