Testing rules files

You can test the syntax of a rules file by using the Probe Rules Syntax Checker, nco_p_syntax. This is more efficient than running the probe to test that the syntax of the rules file is correct.

About this task

The Probe Rules Syntax Checker is installed with the Probe Support feature of Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and is installed in the following directory:
  • For Linux operating systemFor UNIX operating system$NCHOME/omnibus/probes
  • For Windows operating system%NCHOME%\omnibus\probes\win32


To run the Probe Rules Syntax Checker, enter the following command:

nco_p_syntax -rulesfile /rules_file_path/rules_file.rules

When running this command, use the -rulesfile command-line option to specify the full path and file name of the rules file.


The Probe Rules Syntax Checker runs in debug mode by default. You can override this setting with the -messagelevel command-line option; for example, -messagelevel info.

The probe connects to the ObjectServer, tests the rules file, displays any errors to the screen, and then exits. If no errors are displayed, the syntax of the rules file is correct. For details about the Probe Rules Syntax Checker, see the publication for this probe. You can access this publication as follows from this information center:
  1. Expand the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus node in the navigation pane on the left.
  2. Expand the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus probes and TSMs node.
  3. Go to the Universal node.