Specifying integer values on Windows

Integer values are required if you are filtering on numeric columns (of type INTEGER or INCR) in the alerts.status table.

About this task

The following figure shows the type of fields that are displayed for integer values in the element definition area of the Windows Filter Builder.

Figure 1. Element definition area for integer values on Windows
This figure shows the fields that are used for specifying integer values in the Windows Filter Builder.

The Value drop-down list is only available where a numeric column has conversions set up for it. In the above example, the values for the Severity column are stored internally as integer values, but have a set of conversions to map those numbers to various severity strings; for example, 0 means Closed, and 5 means Critical. Where conversions like this exist for a column, the string names are displayed in the Value drop-down list.

To specify an integer value, select an entry from the Value drop-down list.