Running predictive eventing tools in the Web GUI

The Event Viewer and the Active Event List (AEL) can monitor and manage predictive events that are generated by IBM Tivoli Monitoring. You can apply a predictive eventing filter and view to show the predictive events and their data. You can run tools against the predictive events.

Restriction: You can run predictive eventing tools against only one event at a time.

Before you begin

Configure IBM Tivoli Monitoring, the ObjectServer, and the Web GUI for predictive eventing.


  • Change the Event Viewer or AEL display to show predictive events and predictive eventing fields.
    • To display the predictive eventing fields, select PredictiveEventsView from the Views list.
    • To sort the AEL by predictive events:
      • Use the Summary column and look for events that have the summary Prediction from.
      • Use the Class column and look for events that have the class Predictive Event.
      This summary and class are defaults and can be changed by the administrator.
    • To restrict the events in the AEL to only predictive events, select PredictiveEvents from the Filters list.
  • To display predictive events that meet a certain level of confidence:
    1. Right-click any event and click Alerts > Show Prediction Confidence.
    2. In the Internal Command Parameters window, select an operator and type a value from 0 - 100.
      The confidence level is expressed as a percentage. The default operator and confidence level are >80.
  • To display critical threshold events, right-click a predictive event and click Alerts > Show Predictive Events Threshold.
  • To display extended predictive attributes, right-click a predictive event and click Alerts > Show Extended Attributes.
    In a new window, the extended attributes of the predictive event are displayed in a table. For example, the confidence, number of samples and the strength of the prediction.
  • To show the details of a predictive event in Tivoli Enterprise Portal, right-click a predictive event and click Alerts > Show Details in TEP.