Configuring the action framework

The Dashboard Application Services Hub action framework defines communications between widgets. In the integrating product, define an event that can be used by the Web GUI in a tool that is launched from an event list.


  1. On the Web GUI server, define the broadcasting event in the JazzSM_WAS_Profile/installedApps/TIPCell/isc.ear/OMNIbusWebGUI.war/WEB-INF/ibm-portal-event.xml file.
    For example:
    <!--  Event Definition -->
          <events:name xmlns:x="">
    Where eventname is the name of the broadcasting event and namespace is the name space shorthand for the Web GUI.
    Tip: The combination of namespace and eventname must be unique.
  2. In the ibm-portal-event.xml file of the integrating product, define a subscription to the event in the widget that you want to be launched from the Web GUI:
    1. Locate the section that pertains to the widget that you want to subscribe to the event.
    2. Define the subscription.
    For example:
    <!--  Portlet Subscriptions -->
    <events:widget-definition-ref widgetDefinitionRef="widgetdefinition">
                   <events:name xmlns:x="">x:EventName
    Is the name of the event that is defined in step 1
    Is the name space shorthand for the Web GUI
    Is the widget definition of the page to which you want to launch from the event list.
  3. Create a tool that broadcasts the event that was created in steps 1 and 2 from the event list
    In the Script Commands field, type the JavaScript command that broadcasts the event.
    For example:
    Where namespace is the name of the broadcasting event and eventname is the name space shorthand for the Web GUI.

What to do next

  • For a launch-out from an event list, define the tool that broadcasts the event that you created in steps 1 and 2.
  • For a launch-out from a click-action, define the click-action that launches the event. Click actions are defined in the preferences for a widget.