Defining event classes
An important task when you create an adapter is to determine the event classes for the information that you want to monitor. To help you when you write rules to handle the events, you must make event definitions as specific as possible.
The Probe for Tivoli EIF has a set of default rules that map attributes of Event Integration Facility events to columns in alerts.status. You must define these common attributes so that the probe can process them.
msg=Hello World;
In the code fragment, source
and application
application-specific.For more information about probe rules and attributes, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus
Probe for Tivoli EIF guide in the
IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus
integrationsInformation Center at
For more information about the default classes hierarchy, see the IBM® Tivoli Enterprise Console Adapters
Guide in the IBM Tivoli Information Center at