Loading a resource (ResourceUtility)
To populate the database with generalized resources created by users, specify the
keyword when executing the icosutil
./icosutil ResourceUtility -l username -p password -port port -f resource_file_path -r realm -n resource_name -vtmos VTMOS -c resource_type
- username
- Specifies a valid ITNCM - Base username. This user must belong to a group with add rights to the realm in which you are adding the resource, as well as add rights to resources in that realm.
- password
- Specifies the password associated with the ITNCM - Base username you are using. This must be
clear text. To provide an encrypted password, use the
command line option instead of-p
. - port
- The port to connect on. By default, this is 16310.
- resource_file_path
- The fully qualified path to the resource file.
- realm
- The realm in which to add the resource.
- resource_name
- Specify the resource name. This will be the name that is displayed in the drop-down lists within the user interface.
- Specify the VTMOS that this resource controls. Use the following
No validation is performed, so be sure you enter the VTMOS correctly.
- resource_type
- Specify the type of resource to add. Can be one of the following:
resource_type File format SecuritySet XML Format Realm CSV Format CommandSet XML Format NativeCommandSet Text Format Authentication XML Format FileTransfer XML Format ResourceAccDoc XML Format SearchSet XML Format
The following example loads a RAD file called device-R7a.xml:
./icosutil ResourceUtility -l administrator -pe encrypted password -port 16310 -f /home/icosuser/Desktop/device-R7a.xml -r ITNCM/Test -n deviceR7a -vtmos Cisco/Router/asr1k/3.x -c ResourceAccDoc