
The policyExport utility extracts policies from the database.


The policy extraction process entails the export of all data associated with a policy, including rules, definitions, extractions, actions and parameters.


When you invoke the policyExport utility, the following syntax is supported:

1: ./policyExport.sh -policy <name>=<revision>
2: ./policyExport.sh -policy <name>=<revision>,<name>=<revision>
3: ./policyExport.sh -policy <path>
4: ./policyExport.sh -policy <path>,<path>
5: ./policyExport.sh -all
Optional: -filename <exported zip name>
If -filename is not supplied to any of the commands, then a zip file of the following format will be created:
For a multiple policy export:
For a single policy export
Note: All zip files exported will be created in:
where install_dir is your installation directory.


The following examples demonstrate how this syntax is specified.
./policyExport -policy newPolicy=1
Where newPolicy is the name of the policy and 1 is the revision.
./policyExport -realm NSA/v1 -filename nsa_policies
Where NSA/v1 is the name of a policy realm that you want to export and nsa_policies is the name of the exported zip file.
All policies in this realm and subrealms will be exported and saved as:
Where install_dir is your installation directory.
./policyExport -all
Where -all means that all policies in the database will be exported.
The policies will be saved as:
Where install_dir is your installation directory, and date/time is determined by the date and time the policies are exported.