HTTP GET for /device/{device-id}/currentnativeconfiguration

When the NSM client user requests the /device/{device-id}/currentnativeconfiguration URI using the GET method, a copy of the current native configuration of the device that matches the device ID entered is returned.

Input parameters


Available HTTP Headers

Accept: application/json

Accept: text/xml

Sample request

Sample response

version 12.2
no service timestamps debug uptime
no service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
service compress-config
hostname bfo2610a
boot system flash dummy;
 exec-timeout 0 0
 transport input pad v120 telnet rlogin udptn
ntp clock-period 17208292
  "currentNativeConfiguration": "version 12.2
no service timestamps debug uptime
no service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
service compress-config
hostname bfo2610a
boot system flash dummy;
exec-timeout 0 0
transport input pad v120 telnet rlogin udptn
ntp clock-period 17208292

XML response details

Table 1. Response details
Tag Type Description
currentNativeConfiguration Container tag Specifies the current native configuration of the device in text format. The sample response shows a sample device configuration, the full device configuration is not documented because it is large.