CommandWork object

The CommandWork object acts as a scheduling envelope for Commands submitted to the Netcool Configuration Manager - Base workflow engine.

Although "legacy" attributes (from Work) still exist in CommandWork objects, only the attributes related to scheduling and comment data should be set on CommandWork objects using the API. These are Scheduled start and end times, Recurring Schedule data and Work comment (shows up as the UOW description in the GUI). The Work comments attribute can also be set on the Command contained by CommandWork. If this attribute is set on both objects, it is recommended that the same text is used for both instances to avoid confusion regarding which instance is used by the API in different situations. Workstate, execution status, and actual start and end time data will be populated by the Netcool Configuration Manager - Base server(s) as the UOW is processed.

CommandWork objects can contain only one Command. Some attributes regarding worker server names and IDs, and log file names and locations are maintained for compatibility with earlier Netcool Configuration Manager - Base versions, however where this data is no longer applicable its value is set to null.