Checking the Intelliden.log file

Use the Intelliden.log file for detailed error messages.

The Intelliden.log file provides more detailed information on where the error originated. The default path for the Intelliden.log file is /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/ncm/logs.

The following is an example from an Intelliden.log file:

NotFoundException - NSM Error Code: 3 SERVICETEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND Unable to find Service Template with ID :[2] for Device Id :401

The following is another example from the Intelliden.log file. In this example, a service instance ID of 3001 could not be deleted because this service has a status of 90. The status number 90 has a meaning of Failed with indeterminate state for the service.

ERROR, NSMException - NSM Error Code: 41 SERVICE_INSTANCE_CANNOT_BE_DELETE Unable to delete service instance with an id of [3001]
because its status is 90