Structure of a NSM service template

The following sample XML shows the basic structure of a NSM service template to create zones for a firewall.

The sample XML identifies the main tags that a NSM service template can contain.
<serviceTemplate name="FirewallCreateZones" description="Create a Firewall Zone" timeToDelete="1" >
		<description>The Customer Zone Name e.g. cz_8262</description>

		<rule type="DeviceType">
			<ruleProperty name="Vendor" value="IBM"/>
			<ruleProperty name="Type" value="Router"/>
			<ruleProperty name="Model" value=".*"/>
			<ruleProperty name="OS" value=".*"/>
			<serviceOperation type="CREATE">
				<operation name="ITNCM/FirewallCreateZones" type="COMMANDSET">
						<parameter name="FIREWALLZONENAME"/>

Note: Some of the XML tags can include additional optional attributes that are not shown in this NSM service template.