Isolating network problems

In this scenario we determine the root cause of a network fault in Tivoli Network Manager and take action to resolve the problem in Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager using the launch-in-context feature.

Network operations are important for IT organizations, because they provide communication among the services. Without properly working network operations, it is hard to discuss the availability of the service of a business. Indeed, if an organization is a service provider, the importance of network operations is much higher because service availability affects all areas of the service provider's business, so high availability of the network is required. Therefore, there is always a demand for network operations management solutions.

To increase the network operations performance, a monitoring solution that takes action in the shortest possible time is necessary. Integrating Tivoli Network Manager and Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager lets you use the network monitoring tool to not only determine the root cause of a network problem, but also isolate a possible problem.

This scenario explains how the root cause of a network problem can be identified in Tivoli Network Manager and how the necessary action can be taken in Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager. The scenario starts with a configuration change performed by a user in Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager. This change is made by a network operator who monitors the network through Tivoli Network Manager. After making this configuration change, the operator discovers that the change in the configuration of a network device causes a network problem. The operator gathers details about the change from both Tivoli Network Manager and Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager, and also uses launch-in-context feature that is provided by the integration of these two network tools. As a result, the operator corrects the problem quickly.

In summary, any change in the configuration can be monitored by a network operator, who has a control over the configuration changes in network devices and there shortens the time of resolution.

To isolate and rectify a network problem

A configuration change is performed by a user Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager. The operator sees an alarm in the Active Event List in Tivoli Network Manager. The operator checks the status of the device (that set off the alarm) in the network map. After recognizing the problem, the operator launches a report of unit work summary by using the launch-in-context feature and observes that there is a configuration change in the network device. Then, the operator launches Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager from Tivoli Network Manager by using the launch-in-context feature and applies the necessary action to correct the problem. Afterwards, the status of that device is checked in Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager and we note that the problem is resolved.

Before you begin

Having logged into the DASH framework, you no longer need to verify your individual user credentials for all the integrated products, even when utilizing the launch-in-context capability. This is due to the single-signon functionality introduced in Netcool Configuration Manager version 6.3.

About this task

For this scenario, the integration of Tivoli Network Manager and Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager provides the following benefits:
  • Integration allows automatic generation of alarms in the Active Event List of Tivoli Network Manager when any change is applied to a network device in Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager, which provides more control over configuration changes in network devices.
  • Automatic alarm generation in Tivoli Network Manager helps operators to make any configuration changes in a network device, and integration of the tools helps operators to check easily whether these changes cause any network problems.
  • Using the launch-in-context feature, which results from the integration of Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager and Tivoli Network Manager, helps the operator to check configuration changes in Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager and take action in the shortest possible time.

This integration scenario example consists of the following steps:


  1. In Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager, shut down a device interface.
    1. Access Netcool Configuration Manager from the Tivoli Integrated Portal thick-client launch portal, then open the Resource Browser.
    2. In the Resource Browser navigation tree, expand a specific realm and identify a device, for example 'device-x'.
    3. In the Resource Browser main window, select device-x, and then select the Configurations tab.
      The current configuration and previous (versioned) configurations stored for that device are displayed in the bottom half of the main window,
    4. Double-click the current configuration for device-x.
      The Configuration Editor is displayed.
    5. In the Configuration Editor navigation tree, expand the configuration changes available and click the shutdown option.
    6. Select the Shutdown - Shutdown the selected interface checkbox, then click Save.
      Note: You must enter a name for the configuration change.
      The draft configuration you have created is displayed in the bottom half of the main window.
    7. Select the draft configuration you have created and click Submit.
      The Submit Configuration Change wizard is displayed.
    8. See Applying versioned configurations for detailed information on completing the Submit Configuration Change wizard.
      Note: The configuration change is submitted as a unit of work (UOW) and a unique UOW ID is generated.
    By submitting this configuration change, an interface of the network device is being shut down by Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager. Next, observe the related events and views in the integrated Netcool OMNIbus and Tivoli Network Manager.
  2. In the Tivoli Netcool OMNIbus Active Event List (AEL), view the changed device configuration. Then drill down to investigate further.
    Note: By default, events for configuration change operations performed in Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager appear in the AEL with the information Configuration Changed via Command Line displayed in the Summary field.
    1. In the DASH navigation area, click Availability > Events > Active Event List
      The AEL is displayed.
    2. Identify the configuration change event you submitted in the previous step.
      For more information on identifying and monitoring Netcool Configuration Manager events in the AEL, see Monitoring Netcool Configuration Manager events in the Active Event List.
    3. Open the context menu (right-click) and click Activity Viewer.
      The Activity Viewer is displayed with summary information recorded against device-x displayed in a sequential timeline view, including the shutdown change executed earlier. See Viewing device-specific events in the Activity Viewer for more information on the Activity Viewer.
    4. Optional: You can visualize the device in the Network Manager Network View, or find out more about configuration changes performed on the device by viewing the configuration change summary report in Tivoli Common Reporting.
      • To access the report from the Active Event List, right-click the Netcool Configuration Manager event in the AEL, click Configuration Management > ITNCM Reports, and then select the Configuration and OS Change Summary Report from the submenu. See Configuration and OS Change Summary for detailed information on accessing the report and interpreting its content.
      • Communication between device-x and neighboring devices has broken down, which will be represented visually. See the Network Manager documentation for more information on using Network Views.
    5. Optional: You can also view the finished work in the Netcool Configuration Manager Queue Manager's 'Work That Is Finished' node.
      Tip: In Queue Manager you can use the UOW ID to find the finished work.
      Remember: Access Netcool Configuration Manager in one of the following ways:
      • Open Netcool Configuration Manager from the Tivoli Integrated Portal thick-client launch portal.
      • Open Netcool Configuration Manager in context from Network Manager by right-clicking a device, and then clicking Configuration Management > Launch ITNCM from the pop-up menu.
        For more information, see Monitoring devices and events in Network Manager.
    Having identified the change in configuration, the next step in this scenario is to undo the change.
  3. Undo the configuration change using the Netcool Configuration Manager Activity Viewer and wizards.
    1. In the Netcool Configuration Manager Activity Viewer, select the previous (versioned) configuration for a device.
    2. Open the Submit Configuration wizard and complete the steps in order to apply the configuration to the device (as a unit of work).
      See Applying versioned configurations for detailed information on completing the Submit Configuration Change wizard.
    3. Optional: Instead of using the wizard, you can undo the configuration change from the Netcool Configuration Manager Resource Browser (and Configuration Editor) instead.
      • Return to the Netcool Configuration Manager Resource Browser and drill down to device-x.
      • Deselect the Shutdown - Shutdown the selected interface checkbox, and submit the draft configuration. This opens the Configuration Editor.
      • Select the draft configuration you have created and click Submit. The Submit Configuration Change wizard is displayed. Complete as described previously.
    The configuration change is submitted as a unit of work (UOW) and a unique UOW ID is generated. The device-x interface is restarted and a Configuration Change event is recorded in the AEL.
  4. View the configuration change event in the AEL to verify that the configuration has been changed to a previous version. You can drill down into the available data in the following ways:
    1. Access Network Manager Network Views. Communication between device-x and neighboring devices is shown as restored.
    2. View the configuration change summary report in Tivoli Common Reporting.
    3. Optional: You can also view the finished work in the Netcool Configuration Manager Queue Manager's 'Work That Is Finished' node, as described in step two.