Setting up the Resource Access Doc

For source based routing to work, the IP address must be put into the Resource Access Document (RAD) for the device on which it has been set up. The source address XML tag (<sourceAddress>) within the RAD must be specified with the correct IP address.

Before you begin

You must have previously followed the procedure to enable all network routing to go through the default route.

About this task

The following procedure explains how to edit the <sourceAddress> XML tag to specify the correct IP address that will enable all network routing to go through the default route. You also need to ensure that the <lbl-mode-flag-forncs> XML tag is set to the value true in order for the RAD to work properly.

To edit the RAD, follow these steps.


  1. Go the directory where the RAD is located.
  2. Using a text or XML editor, open the RAD for the specified device. The following example opens a RAD called device1.xmlthat has implemented source based routing. This device has an access type of ssh.
    • vi device1.xml 
  3. Search for the <sourceAddress> XML tag and specify the IP address used to enable all network routing to go through the default route. The following example shows an IP address of
    • <sourceAddress></sourceAddress>
  4. Search for the <lbl-mode-flag-forncs> XML tag and ensure that its value is set to true, as in the following example:
    • <lbl-mode-flag-forncs>true</lbl-mode-flagforncs>


The following example shows the <sourceAddress> and <lbl-mode-flag-forncs> XML tags in the context of the other XML tags that can reside in a RAD.

	<access-type name="ssh">









	<user />
	<password />
	<enable-password />
	<prev-user />
	<alt-user />
	<prev-password />
	<alt-password />
	<prev-enable-password />
	<alt-enable-password />
	<hostname />