Applying search sets

Search sets enable you to search network resource configurations for specific command criteria. For example, using a search set you can quickly determine which CISCO routers in a particular realm have at least one ntp server with the prefer option. Another powerful use of search sets is to query a set of resources for the current values of certain elements, and then plug those values into one or more command sets. Use this procedure to specify how to apply a specified search set.

Before you begin

Read the following information before beginning this procedure:

  • You should understand the meaning of the different categories of resources that Netcool Configuration Manager manipulates.

About this task

Follow these steps to specify how to apply the selected search set.


  1. Select the Resource Browser in the navigation tree.

    Your resources display.

  2. Select or search for a resource to which you want to apply a search set.
  3. Select Tools > Apply Search Set.

    The Select Search Sets window of the Apply Search Set window displays.

  4. Select the search set to apply and click Next.

    The Select the Scope of Application (Page 1 of 2) window displays. This filters devices based on their support level e.g, Standard, SmartModel.

  5. Select how you want to apply the search set by selecting one of the radio buttons on the Select the Scope of Application (Page 1 of 2) window.

What to do next

If Then

You selected Apply the Search Sets to Network Resources in a Realm.

Click Next and go to Applying the search set to network resources in a realm.

You selected Apply the Search Sets to specific Network Resources.

Click Next and go to Applying the search set to specific network resources.

You selected Apply the Search Sets to the Network Resources retrieved from a Realm.

Click Next and go to Applying the search set to network resources retrieved from a realm.