Approving or rejecting units of work (UOWs)

When a UOW is submitted, it is subject to approval depending on the security privileges of the user.

Before you begin

If a UOW is approved, it is Ready to Execute and the work will be applied to the resource. If a UOW is rejected, it means the approver has rejected the commencement of work, and it will not execute. However in this case, the UOW may be modified and requeued.

About this task

The following procedure outlines how to Approve or Reject a UOW. Please note that the procedure for approving/rejecting either single or multiple tickets is the same.


  1. Select Pending Approval Tickets from the Queue Manager tree. A listing of all UOWs that require approval is displayed.
  2. Highlight the ticket(s) to be approved, and then right click to select Approve/Reject OR choose Tools > Approve/ Reject from the menu bar. Alternatively, approvals can also be approved in the Approvals tab in the lower section of the screen.
  3. The Approval Ticket dialog box is displayed with information about the selected approval ticket. Enter a reason for the approval or rejection, and then click on the approve / reject button to process the ticket. If this was the last approval required for the ticket, the UOW should change state to either "work waiting to execute", if it is scheduled for the future, or to "Executing" if it was scheduled for immediate execution. If the ticket still requires additional approvals, it will stay in the "Pending Approval" state. Regardless of how many more approvals were required for the work to run, the rejected UOW is displayed in the Completed Work list with a status of Rejected.