Installing ITNCM-Reports in silent mode

If you are not integrating with Network Manager, which ships with its own version of DASH, you must install ITNCM-Reports separately in order to access the reporting functionality.

Before you begin

Restriction: This topic does not apply to Netcool Configuration Manager installations on Linux on System z.
Ensure you have completed installation of the following prerequisites:
  • Netcool Configuration Manager
  • Tivoli Common Reporting

About this task

Restriction: You must install ITNCM-Reports as the same user that installed Netcool Configuration Manager.


  1. Log on to the platform as the same user that installed Netcool Configuration Manager, and perform one of the following steps to launch the installer:
    GUI Mode
    Change to the /eclipse subdirectory of the Installation Manager Group installation directory, and use the following command to start Installation Manager:
    ./IBMIM -record responseFile -skipInstall agentDataLocation
    Console Mode
    Change to the /eclipse/tools subdirectory of the Installation Manager installation director.
    Use one of the following commands to start Installation Manager:
    ./imcl -c
    ./imcl -consoleMode
  2. Configure Installation Manager to download package repositories from IBM Passport Advantage:
    1. From the main menu, choose File > Preferences.
      You can set preferences for proxy servers in IBM Installation Manager. Proxy servers enable connections to remote servers from behind a firewall.
    2. In the Preferences window, expand the Internet node and select one of the following options:
      FTP Proxy
      Select this option to specify a SOCKS proxy host address and a SOCKS proxy port number.
      HTTP Proxy
      Select this option to enable an HTTP or SOCKS proxy.
    3. Select Enable proxy server.
    4. In the Preferences window, select the Passport Advantage panel.
    5. Select Connect to Passport Advantage.
    6. Click Apply, then OK.
  3. In the main Installation Manager window, click Install, and then follow the installation wizard instructions.
  4. Select the Reporting Services environment packages, and then provide the following information when prompted by the wizard:
    • Read and accept the license agreement.
    • Specify an Installation Manager shared directory, or accept the default directory.
    • Specify an installation directory for the product, or accept the default directory.
    • Select the Reports feature.
    • Provide connection information about the Netcool Configuration Manager database:
      • Sid/service name/database name(db2)
      • The DB hostname
      • Port
      • Username
      • Password
    • Provide information specific to Tivoli Common Reporting
      • Specify whether it is an integrated or a standalone installation of Netcool Configuration Manager.
      • Provide the installation directory for Tivoli Common Reporting (typically /opt/IBM/JazzSM).
      • Provide the correct user name and password for JazzSM.
    • Generate the response file:
      If in Console mode
      Select 'G' to generate a silent install file.
      If in GUI mode and having selected -skipInstall
      Select Install and the installation will be skipped and the response file generated.

To run the silent install file

  1. Change to the /eclipse/tools subdirectory of the Installation Manager installation directory, and enter the following command:
    ./imcl input path_name/responseFile.xml  -acceptLicense -showProgess 

Post-installation steps: DB2 configuration

  1. To connect to a db2 database on a server remote from your TCR Installation, ensure that a db2 client is installed and the remote database cataloged. When the database server is remote to the WebSphere Application Server node where configuration is taking place, enter the following command at the node to add a TCP/IP node entry to the node directory:
    db2 catalog tcpip node <NODENAME> remote <REMOTE> server <PORT>
    Specifies a local alias for the node to be cataloged.
    Specifies the fully qualified domain name of the remote DB server.
    Is the port on which the database is accessible, typically port 50000.
    db2 catalog database <database_name> at node <NODENAME>
    Specifies the DB2 database name.
    Is the local alias specified in the previous step.
  2. Add "source $HOME/sqllib/db2profile" to your <install_user>/.bash_profile.
    Where $HOME refers to the home directory of the user which was configured during the installation of the DB2 client to manage the client (usually db2inst1), and <install_user> is the user who installed Netcool Configuration Manager, usually 'icosuser'.
    Note: The .bash_profile is only used for bash shell, and it will be different for sh, csh or ksh.
  3. Restart your reporting server after this update. However, before restarting the Reporting Server, check that the amended login profile has been sourced.

    For installations which use a DB2 database, Cognos requires 32 bit DB2 client libraries, which will be installed by the 64 bit DB2 client. However, there maybe further dependencies on other 32 bit packages being present on the system; if such errors are reported, you can check this with 'ldd $library_name'.


The installation is complete and Netcool Configuration Manager Reports have been installed into Tivoli Common Reporting.


Tip: Best practice recommendation: You can generate a response file through Installation Manager, as in the following example:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <variable name='sharedLocation' value='/home/icosuser//IBM/IBMIMShared'/>
    <repository location='/home/icosuser/Repo'/>
  <profile id='Netcool Configuration Manager' installLocation='/opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/ncm'>
    <data key='eclipseLocation' value='/opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/ncm'/>
    <data key='user.import.profile' value='false'/>
	<!--Update architecture to aix for AIX-->
    <data key='cic.selector.os' value='linux'/>
	<!--Update architecture to ppc64 for AIX-->
    <data key='cic.selector.arch' value='x86_64'/>
    <data key='' value='gtk'/>
    <data key='user.itncm.jdbc.type' value='oracle12'/>
    <data key='user.itncm.jdbc.driver' value='oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver'/>
    <data key='user.itncm.jdbc.url' value='jdbc:oracle:thin:@ServerLocation:1521/itncm'/>
    <data key='user.itncm.jdbc.credentials.password' value=''/>
    <data key='' value='itncm'/>
    <data key='user.itncm.jdbc.credentials.user' value='DBUSER'/>
    <data key='' value='ServerLocation'/>
    <data key='user.itncm.jdbc.port' value='1521'/>
    <data key='user.itncm.jdbc.type.prop' value='oracle'/>
    <data key='' value='smadmin'/>
    <data key='user.tcr.was.user.password' value=''/>
    <data key='' value='/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer'/>
    <data key='user.tmp.tcr.was.password' value=''/>
    <data key='user.itncm.reports.update' value='false'/>
    <data key='user.tmp.ins.loc' value=''/>
    <data key='user.tcr.WAS_SERVER_NAME' value='server1'/>
    <data key='user.tcr.jazz.home' value='/opt/IBM/JazzSM'/>
	<!--Update to Y for an integrated reports install with NM-->
    <data key='user.tcr.reports.integrated' value='N'/>
    <data key='user.tcr.was.profile.path' value='/opt/IBM/JazzSM/profile'/>
    <data key='' value='server1'/>
    <data key='' value='en'/>
  <install modify='false'>
    <!-- Netcool Configuration Manager V6.4.2.0 -->
    <offering profile='Netcool Configuration Manager' id='' 
version='' features='Reports' installFixes='none'/>
  <preference name='' value='${sharedLocation}'/>
  <preference name='' value='30'/>
  <preference name='' value='45'/>
  <preference name='' value='0'/>
  <preference name='offering.service.repositories.areUsed' value='false'/>
  <preference name='' value='false'/>
  <preference name='' value='false'/>
  <preference name='http.ntlm.auth.kind' value='NTLM'/>
  <preference name='http.ntlm.auth.enableIntegrated.win32' value='true'/>
  <preference name='' value='true'/>
  <preference name='' value='false'/>
  <preference name='PassportAdvantageIsEnabled' value='false'/>
  <preference name='' value='false'/>
  <preference name='' value='false'/>
  <preference name='' value='true'/>
  <preference name='' value='true'/>
  <preference name='' value='true'/>

What to do next

When configuring ITNCM Reports for an integrated installation, ensure you configure single sign-on (SSO) on the Tivoli Common Reporting server. Specifically, you must configure SSO between the instance of WebSphere that is hosting the Network Manager GUI, and the instance of WebSphere that is hosting ITNCM Reports. This will prevent unwanted login prompts when launching reports from within Network Manager. For more information, see Configuring single sign-on.

Ensure Netcool Configuration Manager users have access to HTML items in Tivoli Common Reporting. For more information, see the following Tivoli Common Reporting procedure:

Ensure Netcool Configuration Manager users have access to the ITNCM Reports in the public folder.
  1. From the Main Reporting window, select Set Properties and the Permissions tab.
  2. Click Add, then select Cognos, and the group of users to be added to the Selected Entries list.
  3. Click OK, then select the required group name, and then add Read, Execute and Traverse permissions.
  4. Click OK.

Ensure Netcool Configuration Manager users have Traverse and Execute access to Report Studio.

For information on how to add user accounts to ITNCM-Reports, see Configuring reporting on a stand-alone installation