Setting Detail tabs preferences

The Detail tabs preferences customize the refresh options of the tabs in the Queue Manager, Resource Browser and Archive Manager.


  1. To access the Preferences window, click User Preferences, or click File > Preferences from the main dialog.
  2. Select Detail Tabs on the navigation tree.
    The Detail Tabs Preferences dialog is displayed.
  3. Set the following preferences.
    Refresh Tabs On Selection
    Select Always to ensure that the tab will be refreshed each time it is opened.
    Select If Resource has Changed to ensure that the tab will only be refreshed if the resource selected in the main Netcool Configuration Manager table has changed since the last time it was selected.
    Refresh Tabs After Action
    Select Automatically refresh Tab Table when modify actions finish to ensure that the tab table is refreshed after each action completes.
  4. Click Apply to save the settings, or click OK to save the settings and exit the Preferences window.