Initiating on-demand policy validation

Process execution describes the various methods that may be used to invoke and run compliance processes can be validated against the network. On-demand policy validation initiation is invoked by the user. This occurs when a user manually selects a process in the execution tab, and invokes the execution to run immediately.

About this task

The following procedure outlines how to execute a process using on-demand initiation.


  1. Navigate to the process in the Execution tab, either right click and select execute process or select the Execute icon
  2. The Execute Process Confirmation screen will be displayed. This screen asks for confirmation that the process should be executed. Choose Yes.
  3. When a process executes, the user interface defaults to the Process Execution Summary in the Results tab. The progress of the process execution can be tracked with the help of this screen. In the Process Execution Summary screen, an on-demand initiation will have an execution type of "unscheduled".