Creating a remedial action

Compliance actions can be remedial (invoking a commandset in ITNCM - Base) or informational (e-mail or notification) by nature. Use this procedure to create a remedial compliance action.

Before you begin

It is simple for a user to copy an existing action, and modify some of its components in order to create a new action.

Use the Create an Action window of the User Interface to create a new remedial compliance action.

About this task

Follow these steps to create a new remedial compliance action.


  1. Select Create->Action.

    The Create an Action window displays. Mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk (*).

  2. Use the following descriptions as a guide to entering the appropriate information in the Create an Action window.
    Name chosen to identify the compliance action. The maximum number of characters for the name is 255. This is a mandatory field.
    Brief narrative attached to the compliance action to be created that explains its function and use. The maximum number of characters is 4000.
    This number is automatically assigned and initially given a value of 1. Each time the compliance action is edited, the revision number increments by 1. This is for versioning control.
    Select Extraction Type
    Radio buttons that allow you to create the following types of compliance actions:
    Radio button Description

    E-Mail Template

    Select this option to create a compliance action using an e-mail template. Selecting this option causes the Create The Action window to display the e-mail template fields. The e-mail template provides you with the flexibility to construct a comprehensive message detailing the cause of a compliance violation.

    Remedial Action

    Select this option to create a compliance action using a remedial action. Selecting this option causes the Create The Action window to display the remedial action fields. The remedial action executes a commandset against device configurations, and brings the device back into compliance.

    Go to previous selection.
    Go to next selection.
    Finish current activity.
    Cancel current activity without saving.
    Enter the E-mail address(es) of the recipient. Use a semicolon ( ; ) to separate the names.
  3. Select the Remedial Action radio button, and then click Next.

    The Create The Action (remedial action) window displays.

  4. Use the following descriptions as a guide to entering the appropriate information in the Create The Action (remedial action) window.
    Select the Remedial Action you wish to apply
    Enter the required commandset. Navigate through the directories to locate the commandset you want to apply as a remedial action.
    Restrict remedial action to one per rule.
    Check this box to indicate that the rule will only generate one remedial action, regardless of whether there are multiple failure lines. This single remedial action performs a blanket fix and parameters are not assigned to it. By default, this check box is not checked. In this case, the rule will generate a remedial action against each failure.
    Go to previous selection.
    Go to next selection.
    Finish current activity.
    Cancel current activity without saving.
  5. Click Next to continue.

    The Choose a Save Location window displays.

  6. Navigate through the tree structure, and choose the location to which you want to save the newly created compliance action. Otherwise, it is possible to create a new folder from this window, if required.
  7. Click Finish to complete the creation of the compliance action.

What to do next

You can create another remedial compliance action by following the instructions in this procedure.