Creating a compliance process

Use this procedure to define a new Compliance Process. Defining a new Compliance Process requires access to the User Interface wizard.

Before you begin

In defining Compliance Processes, a user must specify against which devices the process must run. For example, it is possible to run a process against all devices that must adhere to the set of policies that are included in the process. But it is also possible to set up a process that runs against only a sub-set of these devices, for example all devices in a part of the network that share the same NTP server. It is simple for a user to copy an existing Process, and modify some its components in order to create a new Process.

About this task

You can define the process parameters during the creation of the Compliance Process or later.

Follow the steps outlined under 'Procedure' to create a Compliance Process.


  1. Select CreateProcess.

    The Name and Description window displays. Mandatory fields are denoted by an * (asterisk). Policy selection is also required at this stage.

  2. Use the following descriptions as a guide to entering the appropriate information in the Name and Description window.
    Specifies the name used to identify the process. This field takes a maximum of 255 characters. This is a mandatory field.
    Specifies a brief narrative attached to the Policy whose purpose is to explain its function or use. This field takes a maximum of 4000 characters.
    Specifies an automatically generated number that is given an initial value of one. Each time the Policy is edited, the revision number is incremented by one. This is for versioning control.
    Enable process for automatic validations
    When selected this option indicates that the policies selected within this process may be used by automatic processes.
    Policy Selection
    Policies to be included in the validation procedure should be selected here. Select the Policy/Policies required from the navigation pane, and select using the arrows in the middle of the panel. A new Policy may be created at this stage using the Create new icon; this invokes the Create a Policy window.
  3. Click Next on the Name and Description window.

    The Pre-Emptive Options window displays.

  4. Use the following descriptions as a guide to entering the appropriate information in the Pre-Emptive Options window.
    Enable Pre-Emptive Compliance Options for this Process
    Specifies a check box that enables or disables the specified Compliance Process for pre-emptive compliance.
    Policy Name
    Specifies a list of Policies to be included. Policies that are not enabled for pre-emptive compliance appear in the list, but are greyed out. The user does not have the ability to enable them for pre-emptive compliance.
  5. Click Next on the Pre-Emptive Options window.

    The Select Devices window displays.

  6. Use the following descriptions as a guide to entering the appropriate information in or to making use of the icons at the bottom of the Select Devices window.
    Retrieve Realms Button
    Populates realms created
    Device/Realm Selection drop-down menu
    Options to view devices, realms, VTMOS device and VTMOS realm.
    Check Device Coverage Button
    Checks if Policies cover all devices selected.
    Note: The Check Device Coverage button will inform if all devices in the selection are covered by the policies, which will allow the user to continue to the next step in creating a Compliance Process. If there is a problem with the device coverage, the Policy Coverage Check window screen will be displayed. This window displays a reason such as: Policy not applicable or No rule applicable.
    Search for Devices
    Conduct a search on devices based on Name, Realm, Status, Synced at, and VTMOS.
    If sub-realms are employed in your realm structure, and you want to include these sub-realms in your selection, you must check the Include Subrealms checkbox. By default this is checked.

    The Devices/Realms that are required to execute the Process against should be selected. Using the navigation tree in the Device pane, select the necessary devices or realms.

  7. Click Next on the Select Devices window.

    The Parameters window displays.

    You cannot add any new parameters here, but if you edit an existing parameter when creating a new policy that will create a process parameter in the 'Process Parameter' tab in the Process Administration GUI.

  8. Select an existing parameter that exists in one of the included definitions, and then click View > Edit. Use the following descriptions as a guide, and note that not all of the following fields are editable:
    Specifies the name of the parameter. Parameters that have already been created in any of the Compliance definitions or through parameter administration display in this window.
    Specifies the type of the parameter, either LOCAL or GLOBAL.
    Specifies a description for the parameter.
    Current Value
    Specifies the current value for the parameter.
    Default Value
    Specifies the default value for the parameter.
    Specifies the realm.
  9. Click Next on the Parameters window.

    The Process Schedule window displays.

  10. Use the following descriptions as a guide to entering the appropriate information in the Process Schedule window.
    Specifies a radio button used to specify an unscheduled execution of a Compliance Process.
    Specifies a radio button used to specify a scheduled execution of a Compliance Process.
    Recurring Schedule
    Specifies radio buttons used to specify a scheduled or recurring execution of a Compliance Process. The recurring schedule is offered on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis.
    Server Time:
    Specifies the user's preference for date and time on the UI.
    Scheduled Monthly
    Specifies radio buttons used to specify the day and month if the Monthly radio button is selected.
  11. Click Next on the Process Schedule window.
  12. The Choose a Save Location window displays.
  13. Navigate through the tree structure, and choose the location where you want to save the newly created Compliance Process. Otherwise, it is possible to create a new folder from here if required.
  14. Click Finish on the Choose a Save Location window to complete the creation of the Compliance Process.

What to do next

You can create another Compliance Process by following these instructions.