Creating compliance extractions

Compliance extractions are a compliance component where specific chunks of data can be extracted from the native or modelled configuration or a show command. You can create extractions that uses native CLI configuration lines, native commands, or device models.

Before you begin

Tip: Instead of creating a new extraction, you can copy an existing extraction and then modify its details.


  1. In the Compliance UI, select Extractions in the left pane.
  2. Select Create > Extraction from the menu. The Create an Extraction window is displayed.
  3. Use the following descriptions as a guide to entering the appropriate information in the Create an Extraction window.
    Mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk (*).
    Name chosen to identify the compliance extraction. The maximum number of characters for the name is 255. This is a mandatory field.
    Brief narrative attached to the compliance extraction to be created that explains its function and use. The maximum number of characters is 4000.
    This number is automatically assigned and initially given a value of 1. Each time the compliance extraction is edited, the revision number increments by 1. This is for versioning control.
    Select Extraction Type
    Radio buttons that allow you to create the following types of compliance extractions:
    Radio button Description

    Create extraction using CLI configuration lines

    Select this option to create a compliance extraction that uses native CLI configuration lines. A compliance extraction is very similar to a native definition. However, in the case of an extraction using native CLI configuration lines, a specific piece of data can be extracted from the matching CLI line or lines as specified in the extraction criteria.

    Create extraction using Native Commands

    Select this option to create a compliance extraction that uses Native Commands. In this option, a specific piece of data can be extracted from the matching native (show) commands as specified in the extraction criteria. The native commands are used for the search data and not the native configuration.

    Create extraction using a Device Model

    Select this option to create a compliance extraction that uses a device model. Modeled extractions are based on modeled device configurations. Modeled extractions use XPaths. An extraction XPath can be constructed to extract a certain piece of data from the modelled configuration.

    Go to previous selection.
    Go to next selection.
    Finish current activity.
    Cancel current activity without saving.
  4. Select the type of extraction you wish to create, and then click Next.
  5. Define the extraction using the following information:
    Create extraction using CLI configuration lines
    You define the extraction using the Enter Native Extraction Details window.
    Use the following descriptions as a guide to entering the appropriate information:
    Extraction Detail Line
    Enter the extraction line you want to match. Regex logic may also be used here.
    Parameters (Optional)
    Add local or global parameters to the extractions.
    Note: When exported, the parameters will be exported and recreated on an import as for definitions.
    Insert Parameter
    Select either Local Parameter or Global Parameter, then click Insert Parameter.
    Extract What
    Choose the position of words you want to extract in the extraction line, for example, the second, fifth, or sixth word.
    Go to previous selection.
    Go to next selection.
    Finish current activity.
    Cancel current activity without saving.
    Create extraction using Native Commands
    Native Commands
    Native Commands must be entered to indicate the Evaluation Source. Any type of show command may be entered in the Native command(s) criteria, for example, show version, show config, and so forth.
    Use cached show command response
    This option uses cached show commands from the last device import, and may be used to speed up response time.
    Extraction Detail Line
    Enter the extraction line you want to match.
    Parameters (Optional)
    Add local or global parameters to the extractions.
    Note: When exported, the parameters will be exported and recreated on an import as for definitions.
    Insert Parameter
    Select either Local Parameter or Global Parameter, then click Insert Parameter.
    Extract What
    Choose the position of words you want to extract in the extraction line, for example, the second, fifth, or sixth word.
    Go to previous selection.
    Go to next selection.
    Finish current activity.
    Cancel current activity without saving.
    Create extraction using a Device Model
    Model based on VTMOS
    Choose a device schema by selecting a VTMOS combination. Please note that a compliance Extraction created based on one device schema may be used against devices that are modeled using a different device schema, as long as those schemas share the nodes included in the compliance Extraction. With other words the scope of a compliance Extraction using a device model is not limited to the devices defined by the VTMOS that was used to retrieve the schema based on which the Extraction was built.
    Retrieve Model
    Selecting the "Retrieve Schema" button, will present an XML model (or device schema) of all configurable parameters available for the VTMOS selected.
    This is used in a simple definition. The schema should be chosen using the node navigation tree.
    Selected XPath
    XPath will be populated with the schema path chosen.
    Add Extraction
    This button invokes the Add Modelled Extraction window, which can be used to edit argument details.
    Extraction Content
    Displays the context for the chosen Modelled Definition.
    Node to Extract
    Displays the node chosen for extraction within the context.
    Edit current selection.
    Go to previous selection.
    Go to next selection.
    Finish current activity.
    Cancel current activity without saving.
    Once the selected XPath has been populated with the desired nodes and path, click Add Extraction to populate the Add Modelled Extraction window.
    Use the following descriptions as a guide to entering the appropriate information in the Add Modelled Extraction window:
    The node chosen for the modelled extraction.
    Node description
    The description of the logical entity and name of the node selected are automatically populated here. This information is retrieved from the device schema based on the XPATH defined in the previous step and cannot be changed by the user.
    XPath Function
    Specifies the following XPath functions:
    XPath function Description


    Equal to


    Not equal to


    Greater than


    Greater than or equal to


    Less than


    Less than or equal to


    Allows Regex to be entered.


    Indicates that the argument specified is contained in the string.


    The string starts with the specified argument.


    The string ends with the specified argument.

    The value you want to search on specifically. This can be left empty to find all.
    Show CLI Text Boxes
    When selected this will show unmodelled commands. Typically, the node will be ARG.999.
    Node to Extract
    Displays the node chosen for extraction within the context.
    Update screen following recent activity.
    Go to previous selection.
    Go to next selection.
    Finish current activity.
    Cancel current activity without saving.
    To make changes to an argument, select it in the Argument List field.
    To save changes, click Update.

  6. Click Next to continue.
    The Choose a Save Location window is displayed.

  7. Navigate through the tree structure, and choose the location to which you want to save the newly created compliance extraction. You can create a new folder from this window.
  8. Click Finish to complete the creation of the compliance extraction.

What to do next

You can create another compliance extraction, or edit the existing extraction.