Client parameter list parameters

A client parameter list enables the execution of a service for multiple items in a single request. NSM service designers use the <clientParameterList> element and the name attribute to define the name of a client parameter list when designing NSM service templates. NSM service designers define parameters within that list using the <parameter name> tag. NSM client users specify values and the order the value should be evaluated by using the <values> and </values> tags and the order attribute when submitting a NSM service template.

The following sample XML shows the layout of the <clientParameterLists> element and associated tags that NSM service designers specify when creating a NSM service template:

	<clientParameterList name="ZONEID" description="Zone ID">
		<parameter name="ZONE_NAME" description="Zone Name"/>
	<clientParameterList name="ROUTEDETAILS" description="Route Details">
		<parameter name="SOURCEROUTETABLE" description="Source Route Table"/>
		<parameter name="TARGETROUTETABLE" description="Target Route Table"/>
		<parameter name="VIRTUALROUTERNAME" description="Virtual Route Table"/>

The following sample XML shows the use of the <value> tag that NSM client users specify when submitting a NSM service template for execution:

	<clientParameterList name="ZONEID">	
<parameter name="ZONE_NAME"/>
 <clientParameterList name="ROUTEDETAILS">
	<parameter name="SOURCEROUTETABLE"/>
  	<parameter name="TARGETROUTETABLE"/>  
	<parameter name="VIRTUALROUTERNAME"/> 

<clientParameterList name="ZONE_NAME_ID">
<parameter name="ZONE_NAME">
<value order="1">Cisco_Zone_Name1</value>
<value order="2">Cisco_Zone_Name2</value>

Table 1 describes the client parameter list parameters elements and associated tags for NSM service template design and NSM service template submission.

Table 1. Client parameter list parameters elements and tag details for NSM service template design and submission
Element/Tag Type Description
<clientParameterLists> Containing list

Contains the client parameter list and its associated parameters. Each client parameter list and associated parameters is encapsulated within a <clientParameterLists> </clientParameterLists> element pair.

In the example, the <clientParameterLists> element contains two client parameter lists: ZONEID and ROUTEDETAILS.

<clientParameterList> Container

Contains the definition (parameter names and descriptions) of the client parameter list. Each client parameter list definition is encapsulated within a <clientParameterList> </clientParameterList> element pair. String

The name attribute specifies the name (alias) of the client parameter list. This name is the identifier used in the parameter list within the <operation> tag for selection of parameters used for the specified operation.

The example uses two instances of the <clientParameterList> element and description attribute to specify two client parameter list descriptions: Zone ID and Route Details.

clientParameterList.description String

The description attribute specifies a description for the client parameter list.

The example uses two instances of the <clientParameterList> element and name attribute to define two client parameter lists: ZONEID and ROUTEDETAILS.

<parameter> Container

Contains one or more client parameters to be used in the service operation. Each client parameter is encapsulated within a <parameter> </parameter> tag pair. String

The name attribute specifies the name of the parameter to be used in setting the value for submission to Netcool Configuration Manager.

The example uses instances of the <parameter> tag and name attribute to create:

  • For the ZONEID parameter list: one parameter called ZONE_NAME.
parameter.description String

The description attribute specifies a description for the parameter.

The example uses instances of the <parameter> tag and description attribute to create the following parameter descriptions:

  • For the ZONEID parameter list: one parameter called ZONE_NAME with a description of Zone ID.
  • For the ROUTEDETAILS parameter list: three parameters called SOURCEROUTETABLE with a description of Source Route Table, TARGETROUTETABLE with a description of Target Route Table, and VIRTUALROUTERNAME with a description of Virtual Route Table.
<values> Containing list

Contains the list of <value> tags. This can range from one to many. All of the <value> tags defined within a parameter list are encapsulated within a <values> </values> tag pair.

Note: The NSM client user makes use of the <values> and <value> tags and <order> attribute when populating client parameter list parameters with appropriate values. NSM client users specify these tags and attribute when submitting a NSM service template for execution. One client parameter list can have many values assigned to it. The operation that uses this client parameter list name will get executed the same number of times as there are values assigned to it.
<value> Container

Contains the value to be supplied to the service operation.

The example uses two instances of the <value> tag to define two values: Cisco_Zone_Name1 and Cisco_Zone_Name2.

value.order String

A number representing what order a value should be in. This attribute is optional. It is recommended that the order attribute be used as it will ensure that values that need to be set in the same operation is guaranteed. For example if you have two parameters in two <clientParameterList> elements, to ensure that the first parameter is paired with the first parameter in the second <clientParameterList> then the order attribute should be used to guarantee this pairing.

The example uses two instances of the order attribute to define the order of the values: Cisco_Zone_Name1 is evaluated first followed by Cisco_Zone_Name2.