Installing Jazz for Service Management

Before installing the product, you must install Jazz for Service Management Version on all presentation servers using the IBM Installation Manager.

About this task

DASH is required by Netcool Configuration Manager - Base for both integrated and stand-alone installations, whether installed with or without Tivoli Common Reporting. Various DASH services such as the reporting service are required by WebSphere to run a Netcool Configuration Manager - Base presentation server. DASH is not required for a worker-only installation.

During this step the Installation Manager discovers two required packages in the Jazz repository. Both of these packages must be selected for simultaneous installation:

  • Jazz for Service Management extension for IBM WebSphere V8.5.
  • Dashboard Application Services Hub V3.1.3.0.

Fix Pack 9: After installing Dashboard Application Services Hub V3.1.3.0, upgrade it to or above.

Fix Pack 9: After you have installed Jazz for Service Management and WebSphere Application Services, check the Java SDK version on the server is at 1.8, as shown in the example below:
JazzSM Install location/profile/bin/ -listEnabledProfileAll 
CWSDK1004I: Profile JazzSMProfile :
CWSDK1006I: PROFILE_COMMAND_SDK = 1.8_64_bundled
CWSDK1008I: Node JazzSMNode01 SDK name: 1.8_64_bundled
CWSDK1009I: Server server1 SDK name: 1.8_64_bundled
CWSDK1001I: Successfully performed the requested managesdk task.
For detailed instructions, see the Jazz for Service Management Knowledge Center:
Important: Depending on the installation type, you may need to install two instances of DASH.
Required DASH profiles
If a Netcool Configuration Manager presentation server and Netcool Configuration Manager Reports are to be located on the same server, they require installation in separate DASH profiles.
The Netcool Configuration Manager presentation server and Network Manager GUI cannot be installed in the same instance of DASH. They also require separate profiles.
Integrating with Network Manager when failover is enabled
Network Manager has a number of restrictions when failover is enabled, or has actually occurred (see the Network Manager documentation for further details). Therefore the following restrictions apply to an integrated Netcool Configuration Manager system:
  • If Network Manager has actually failed over, do not attempt to integrate Netcool Configuration Manager with it.

    Netcool Configuration Manager integration or Netcool Configuration Manager integration upgrades should only be performed against Network Manager in normal operation.

  • Netcool Configuration Manager should be integrated only with the Primary Network Manager installation.

    Should Network Manager fail over its discovery process (ncp_disco) will not perform any discovery, so Netcool Configuration Manager Import UOWs against the Backup Network Manager domain are not possible.

  • If Network Manager has failed over, do not run, do not trigger an Network Manager import into Netcool Configuration Manager, do not use the Netcool Configuration Manager right click menus from TIP.