Customizing configuration and compliance servers

You can customize some text and images that are used in the configuration and compliance GUIs by using the script.

Before you begin

Before running the script, ensure that you have a keystore and certificate, as described in Creating a keystore and self signed certificate. Create a resource archive that contains the changes you want to make, as described in Creating a resource archive.

About this task

The script is located here: ncm_install_dir/ncm/bin/utils/support/


  1. Ensure that the path to the Java bin directory is included in the environment's path.
    You can use a command similar to the following example:
    export PATH=path_to_WAS_install_dir/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/java/bin:$PATH
  2. Ensure that the zip utility is installed.
    You can use a command similar to the following to install the utility:
    yum install zip
  3. Run the script by using a command similar to the following: -a -s keystore_password

    The following table describes the required and optional arguments.

    Table 1. Command-line options for the script
    Option Description
    -a Required. Full path to the resource archive.
    -s keystore_password Required. Keystore password for the keystore file.
    -b base_directory Optional. Base directory for the target Netcool Configuration Manager installation. The default is: /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/ncm.
    -c keystore_file Optional. Java keystore file for signing the resource bundle jar. The default value is: /headless/.keystore.
    -k key_alias Optional. Alias for the key to use when signing the resource bundle jar. The default value is: mykey. The given alias must refer to a valid key in the specified keystore file.
    -K key_password Optional. Key password. The default is the same as keystore password.
    -t working_directory Optional. A temporary working directory. The default value is: /var/tmp/brand_221219_180153_5043_tmp.d.
    -l log_mode

    Optional. The logging mode. Allowed values are any one of the following:

    • FATAL
    • ERROR
    • WARN
    • INFO
    • DEBUG
    -v Optional. Using this option turns on verbose mode, which generates a log file. Verbose mode is off by default. Turning on verbose mode is equivalent to using the option -l DEBUG.
    -h Optional. Print this usage message and exit successfully.
  4. Restart Netcool Configuration Manager. Clear the Web Start client-side cache and restart the browser to ensure that all changes are displayed correctly.
    The branding changes are visible in the compliance and configuration GUIs.


The following example supplies keystore information to the script:

./ -a /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/ncm/bin/utils/support/ -s "customerxxxstore1" -K "customerxxxkey1" -k "customerxxxalias" -l DEBUG -c /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/ncm/bin/utils/support/KeyStore.jks