Modifying command filters
You can modify command filters using the Resource Browser. Provided you have the required permissions, you can rename filters and move them between realms.
Before you begin
- You can only modify command filters for the Netcool Configuration Manager realms in which you have 'resource modify' permissions.
- You can only move command filters out of one domain or realm into another if you have 'resource delete' permissions for the source, and 'resource add' permissions for the destination.
- You can only move command filters or rename them if the domain or realm to which they are to belong does not already contain a filter with the same name.
About this task
- In the Resource Browser, select the command filter, then select from the menu. Alternatively, select the command filter in the resource list and then select the rename option from the right-click menu.
- Move a command filter from one domain or realm into another using drag-and-drop.