Finding a realm descriptor and key by name

The finding a realm descriptor and key by name example shows how to find a realm.

Each realm has a unique realm path, much like a folder or directory in an operating system. For example, the NCM/realmOne path indicates that NCM is a realm and realmOne is a subrealm (subfolder) of NCM. This path can be used to find a realm (also known as a container). For various methods, you may need either a descriptor or a key. Should you find a need to have a RealmKey object, rather than a ResourceContainerKey, use the getKeyAsRealmKey method on the descriptor. Also, you can use the getRootContainer convenience method in ResourceManager to retrieve the root realm descriptor.

ResourceContainerDescriptor realmRCD = null;
ResourceContainerKey realmKey = null;
try {
realmRCD = rMgr.getContainer(realmPath);
} catch (IcosException ie) {
System.out.println("Caught IcosException getting realm");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Caught Exception getting realm");
if (realmRCD == null) {
//handle condition
} else {
realmKey = realmRCD.getKey();