Installing auto-discovery via CLI (all platforms)

The auto-discovery installation is not platform-specific, so only one generic installer is required for installation. This task describes how to install auto-discovery using the command line interface.

Before you begin

Ensure Netcool Configuration Manager and the most current driver packages have been installed.

Access the Netcool Configuration Manager installation directory (the default is /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/ncm/bin), and execute the stop server command stop


Before executing the auto-discovery installer, make a backup of the existing auto-discovery XML files located in the following directory: /ncm install dir/autodiscovery/xml.

Autodiscovery version 6.6.0 and above requires Java 1.8 as a prerequisite. The auto-discovery installer overwrites all files in this directory. After the installer has completed, review the backup files and recreate your custom changes as required.


  1. Log on to the server as the user that installed Netcool Configuration Manager. The default isicosuser.
  2. Access the directory where you have downloaded the installer.
  3. Type sh./autodiscovery-version.bin LAX_VM /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/ncm/jre/bin/java -i console
    where version is the auto-discovery installer version, and /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/ncm/jre/bin/java is the default directory.
  4. Click Enter to begin the installation, then Enter again to continue.
  5. To accept the license agreement, select 1.
  6. When asked to choose the install folder, you must ensure that this is the directory containing the drivers folder. The default, which you can change, is /opt/ibm/tivoli/netcool/ncm
  7. Updates to auto-discovery automatically take effect once the server is restarted. To accept this, choose 1.
    Tip: You have the option to immediately apply auto-discovery updates in the following ways, if required:
    • To automatically deploy the latest auto-discovery version immediately, choose 2, then enter a valid Netcool Configuration Manager directory when prompted at the next screen.
      Your current version of auto-discovery is updated immediately.
    • To manually deploy the latest auto-discovery version, access the /opt/IBM/Tivoli/drivers/autodiscovery/bin folder and run the following command:
      autodiscoveryUtil <<itncm_install_path>> -u (You can perform this manual update at any time.)
  8. Check the installation summary details, and click Enter to continue.

    After the autodiscovery installation is complete, the last statement of the installation can be ignored. The statement is shown below:

    Install Complete
    The installation of Autodiscovery version x.x.x is complete, but some errors occurred during the install.

    Log files are found in the install_dir/drivers/autodiscovery/logs directory.