Editing DeviceInfo.txt

Use this information to learn how to set up and maintain the DeviceInfo.txt file. This information includes creating the file and adding password groups, realms, and device IP addresses, all of which are required for most administrative tasks.

Before you begin

The DeviceInfo.txt file must be created in order to pass parameters to the script that executes the Auto-Discovery tool. The name of this file is arbitrary, as long as it has an extension of .txt. You must make sure to specify this file when calling the script that executes the Auto-Discovery tool.

The location of the Auto-Discovery.jar file is unimportant as long as the directory path has been fully qualified.


  1. Navigate to an appropriate directory where you want the DeviceInfo.txt file to reside. The following example shows the use of the cd command on a Linux or Unix system to navigate to an appropriate directory:
    cd /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/ncm/autodiscovery/devicefiles
  2. Using a text editor, create a file called DeviceInfo.txt (or any other meaningful file name). The following example uses the vi editor (on Linux or Unix) to create a DeviceInfo.txt file:
    vi DeviceInfo.txt
  3. Use the appropriate syntax to populate the contents of the DeviceInfo.txt file with password groups, realms, and device IP addresses.


Here is a complete example of the previous steps:
cd /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/ncm/autodiscovery/devicefiles
vi DeviceInfo.text

What to do next

For details on the syntax used to populate a DeviceInfo.txt file, see Deviceinfo.txt syntax.