autoAnswerLoginPrompts |
Specifies a string list of possible auto answer login prompts displayed by devices.
Separate each prompt with a , (comma). |
autoAnswerPrompts |
Specifies a string list of possible auto answer prompts displayed by devices. Separate each
prompt with a , (comma). |
commandErrorMsgs |
Specifies a string list of possible command error messages displayed by devices. Separate
each message with a , (comma). |
connectionType |
Specifies the connection type. The connection types currently supported are TELNET and SSH.
Either type may be used, or else a combination of the two. If a combination is used, Auto-Discovery
will use the connection types in the order they are supplied. In the example provided SSH is used
first to connect to the device, and if no connection can be established then TELNET is used. The
default order is specified by ssh,telnet . |
customRad |
Specifies whether the custom RAD feature is used when bulk importing into Netcool Configuration
Manager. The
parameter for creating a custom RAD is a boolean, and can be set to true or false. By default this
value is set to false. |
delayBetweenConnectionAttempts |
Specifies the delay, in milliseconds, between connection attempts with different user ID
groups as well as between sending the different enable passwords. |
enableSuccessMsgs |
Specifies a string list of possible success messages displayed by devices when the
enable command is run. Separate each message with a ,
(comma). |
hostNames |
Specifies a Boolean value that indicates whether the host name is to be used in the
discovery output file instead of the IP address. The default value is false. |
ignorePromptsEnding |
Specifies a string list of possible prompts displayed by devices that the tool should
ignore. Separate each prompt with a , (comma). |
loginErrorMsgs |
Specifies a string list of possible login error messages displayed by devices. Separate
each message with a , (comma). |
logIntoEnableMode |
A boolean parameter. If set to true , autodiscovery attempts to log into
enable mode on the device. If false , it does not. The default for this parameter is
"true". |
numberOfThreads |
Specifies the number of threads that Auto-Discovery uses, which is the number of devices it
can discover at a time. The default value for this property is 10. |
passwordPrompts |
Specifies a string list of possible password prompts displayed by devices. Separate each
prompt with a , (comma). |
replaceChars |
Specifies a string list of possible characters to replace, like escape characters. Separate
each string with a , (comma). |
ssh1Cipher |
Specifies the preferred cipher used when connecting to a device via SSH1 protocol. The
default value is 3des . You can specify multiple ciphers. Separate each cipher with
a , (comma). For the values to use, refer to the documentation for your devices,
Java Runtime Environment, and Java Security Provider. |
ssh2Ciphers |
Specifies the preferred cipher used when connecting to a device via SSH2 protocol. The
default value is aes128-cbc . You can specify multiple ciphers. Separate each cipher
with a , (comma). For the values to use, refer to the documentation for your
devices, Java Runtime Environment, and Java Security Provider. |
ssh2LogFile |
Specifies the file name where the tool writes the mindterm communication logs. |
ssh2LogLevel |
Specifies the level of mindterm communication logs that should appear in the log file. The
default value is 0. Allowed values are any integer from 0 to 7. The following list shows the allowed
values and their meanings:
- 3 WARN
- 5 INFO
- 7 DEBUG2
ssh2MacAlgos |
Specifies the preferred MAC Algorithms used when connecting to a device via SSH2 protocol.
You can specify multiple MAC algorithms. Separate each algorithm with a , (comma).
For the values to use, refer to the documentation for your devices, Java Runtime Environment, and
Java Security Provider. If this value is not provided, then the MAC algorithm that is configured on
the device is used. |
sshPort |
Specifies the device port used by SSH to establish a connection. The default is
22. |
sslPort |
Specifies the port used for SSL connections. The default is 443. |
timeout |
Specifies the connection time out value, which is the value, in seconds, indicating when
the device connection will time out. By default this value is set to 20. |
telnetPort |
Specifies the device port used by TELNET to establish a connection. The default is
23. |
timeOut |
Specifies the device connection timeout, in seconds. By default this value is set to
20. |
usernamePrompts |
Specifies a string list of possible username prompts displayed by devices. Separate each
prompt with a , (comma). |