Configuring reporting on a stand-alone installation

If Netcool Configuration Manager Reporting has been installed stand-alone, there are a number of configuration steps which must be followed to access the reports.

Before you begin

Restriction: This topic does not apply to Netcool Configuration Manager installations on Linux on System z.
Access the Tivoli Common Reporting installation directory, for example /opt/IBM/JazzSM/profiles/bin and execute the start server command: server1
This should start the Tivoli Common Reporting Server.

About this task

This task describes how to configure Netcool Configuration Manager Reporting on a stand-alone installation.


  1. Launch the WebSphere administration console on which Reporting Services has been installed using one of the following two ways (it may be different to the one hosting the main NCM Presentation Server):
    • Connect to the port directly.
    • Launch it from within DASH, from where Common Reporting can be accessed.
  2. The WebSphere Administration console login screen displays. Log in as the DASH administration user, and use the password you supplied at install time.
  3. On the left hand side of the screen, expand the Users and Groups selection. Next, click on Manage Users.
  4. Select the Create button. Create a user that matches a user in Netcool Configuration Manager , for example, administrator. Select the Create button to complete.
  5. From the menu choices on the left hand side of the screen, click on the User Roles link, and select the Search button. The user you just created will be displayed. Click on that user.
  6. From the Available Roles menu, select the tcrPortalOperator role checkbox. Click on the Save button to finish.
  7. Log out of the DASH, and log back in as the user you have just created.
  8. Expand the Reporting option, and click on the ITNCMReports link.