Changing platform configuration

You can change platform configuration by running the script.

Before you begin

About this task

Use this script to change the configuration of a platform. When you run it, you get the current status.


  1. Run the script by typing the following command: bash-3.2$ ./
    The current platform configuration is displayed.
    For example:
    Platform Type = GUI + Worker Server 
    Compliance Core = Enabled
    Reporting = Enabled
    Do you wish to change the current configuration of this deployment? [y/n]
  2. Change the current configuration as required.


The list of options presented depends on you current configuration. For example, you may be offered the following choices:
1. GUI + Worker Server : Compliance Core=Enabled
2. GUI + Worker Server : Compliance Core=Disabled
3. Worker Server : Base=Enabled  | Compliance Eval Engine=Enabled
4. Worker Server : Base=Enabled  | Compliance Eval Engine=Disabled
5. Worker Server : Base=Disabled | Compliance Eval Engine=Enabled
6. Reporting=Enabled
7. Reporting=Disabled
0. Exit this utility

Please choose an option from the list above (1-7) or 0 to exit this utility.