Performing housekeeping on log files (Fix Pack 12 and later)

Use the logcleaner.cnf script file to perform housekeeping on log files for Fix Pack 12 and later versions. The file is obsolete for fix pack 12 and later versions.


You can use the logcleaner.cnf script file to remove old, unwanted logging information to free up storage space. To run the logcleaner.cnf script, logrotate must be installed. For detailed information about logrotate, refer to the logrotate documentation.

The logcleaner.cnf script resides in /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/ncm/bin/utils.

This script can be run as a cron job. For detailed information about cron job, refer to the cron job documentation.

You can change the configuration parameters based on the requirement. For example: Rotate and Size.

Following is the example script for logcleaner.cnf script file.

INSTALL_DIR/logs/Server.err {
                rotate 10
                dateext dateformat-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%s
                size 10M
Following logs can be removed by using logcleaner.cnf script file:
  • CMServer.out
  • CMServer.err
  • Server.err
  • Server.out
  • IDT.err
  • IDT.out
Note: This should only be executed on both worker and compliance servers. The logcleaner.cnf script file should not be moved from its location (otherwise the archive() function will create different results from the cron). If you have modified the logcleaner.cnf file, it must be preserved before you upgrade to the newer or subsequent versions. The logcleaner.cnf script file should be preserved manually.

See also