Modifying system properties

The default system property value can be modified by administration users with the appropriate permissions.

Before you begin

To view system properties, a user must be in a group with the View System activity. To view and modify system properties, a user must be in a group with the Manage System activity.


  1. To access System Properties from the Systems Manager, select Tools > System Properties.
    The System Properties screen is displayed and shows the following information for each property:
    • Property name
    • Short description of the property
    • Field type
    • Current value associated with the property
  2. Select the system property to be modified from the upper pane of the System Properties screen.
    The current value held in the particular property chosen populates into the Property Edit pane in the bottom half of the screen.
  3. Modify the property value as required, and then click Update to apply the changes.
  4. Use the following table for more information on the system properties that you can modify.
    Property name Description

    Activate Device Type Validation on Command Sets

    Validate the Device type (T of VTMOS) when applying a command set. Default setting does not validate device type.

    Allow Password Save

    If selected, this populates the check box on the Login GUI for a "Password Save". Is False by default.

    Apply CommandSet - allow stale config

    Overrides that allow Command Set to be executed against a stale config.

    Apply NativeCommandSet - allow stale config

    Overrides that allow a Native Command Set to be executed against a stale config.

    Apply Search Set - allow stale config

    Overrides that allow a Search Set to be executed against a stale config.

    Approve own work If this is set to true, the user is allowed to approve their own work.

    Compliance Policy Event Registration

    Allows the administrator to turn off the Compliance Policy Event, so it is not written to the database. Compliance Policy Events are all events related to ITNCM - Compliance.

    Config Editor Title

    Changes the name of the Configuration Editor title bar.

    Configuration Change - allow stale config (Draft)

    Overrides that allow a configuration change to be executed against a stale config (draft).

    Configuration Change - allow stale config (Versioned)

    Overrides that allow a configuration change to be executed against a stale config (versioned).

    Connect on Driver Update

    If this is set to true, ITNCM - Base will connect to the device during the driver update to confirm the VTMOS.


    Number of seconds after which a failed connection will retry.


    Number of seconds after which a failed connection will timeout.

    Custom Resource Browser label 1-10

    Note: Custom labels are only supported for use in the Netcool Configuration Manager - BaseGUI, and not the Netcool Configuration Manager - Compliance (or any other) GUIs.

    Additional labels for resources that a user can define when creating a new resource.

    Restart ITNCM - Base client for changes to take effect.
    Tip: The 'type' setting allows the value to be requested from a checkbox rather than a textbox.

    Custom Resource Browser label state 1-10

    User can choose if the Custom Resource label should be: Not Visible, API, Optional or Mandatory.
    • Optional means that when a device is created the user does not have to supply a value for the label.
    • Mandatory means that the user must supply a value.
    • Not visible means that the user cannot see the label.
    • API means that a value can only be created or modified by using the Netcool Configuration Manager Java API.

    Restart ITNCM - Base client for changes to take effect.

    Custom UOW label 1-3

    Additional labels for UOWs.

    Restart ITNCM - Base client for changes to take effect.

    Custom UOW label state 1-3

    User can choose if the Custom UOW label should be: Not Visible, Optional or Mandatory.

    Restart ITNCM - Base client for changes to take effect.

    Default Device Enable Password

    Default Enable password is used for device login. Restart ITNCM - Base for changes to take effect.

    Default Device Password

    Default Password is used for device login. Restart ITNCM - Base for changes to take effect.

    Default Device Username

    Default Username is used for device login. Restart ITNCM - Base for changes to take effect.

    Error Word Delimiter

    Regex used to look for errors in device responses.

    Event Polling Interval

    Interval between polling for new JMS messages (for example, UOW changes).

    FIPS Operating Mode Indicates that the server is configured with FIPS compliant ciphers. (Read only)

    Force Password Change

    Forces the user to change password when they first login after creation or modification of the account. False by default.

    FTP Password

    Password used for accessing the FTP server. Default is that specified during installation.

    FTP username

    Username used for accessing the FTP server. Default is that specified during installation.

    GUI Inactivity Timeout State

    Activates the GUI inactivity timer.

    GUI Inactivity Timeout Value

    Inactivity time - after which the GUI will exit.

    GUI Inactivity Warning Value

    Time before exiting that the GUI will display a warning.

    GUI Name Suffix

    Sets the GUI suffix.

    GUI Title

    Changes the name of the application on the main title.

    Hierarchial Account Security Mode

    Show group hierarchies during account management. Default is False.

    IDT Allow connections from Presentation Allow IDT to connect to devices from Presentation server.

    IDT Buffer Size

    Maximum size of scrollback buffer in IDT Terminal. This can be used to configure the number of lines which are viewed when using the scroll function.

    IDT Connection View

    User may choose the view they want to see when connecting to a device. For example, they may see a logon script, an animation, a combination of the two, or nothing.

    IDT Default UOW Description

    This is the default description that is used when IDT submits a UOW.

    IDT Device Output Limit

    Limits number of characters logged for any device output. A limit of zero will return all output.

    IDT Display UOW Confirmation

    Displays a confirmation and UOW ID when the UOW has been submitted successfully.

    IDT Inactivity Timeout Period

    Number of minutes a session will stay connected during user inactivity. The default is 15 minutes. However, any timeout set on the device will override this property.

    IDT Regex Match String

    Regex commands may be entered and searched upon before forcing synchronization. This is only valid if the "IDT Synchronization Disconnect Action" is set to "Regex Match Synchronization".

    IDT Synchronisation Disconnect Action

    The Synchronization action to perform once a user has disconnected from a device can be chosen. The options are Prompt Synchronization, Force synchronization or use Regex match synchronization.

    IDT Terminal Throttle

    This configures the maximum number of terminal sessions that each client can be running at any given time.

    IDT UOW Conflict Connection

    Action to take when connecting to a device.

    IDT Use Main Server For Connection

    If you want device connections to be facilitated by the master presentation server, set this option to "True" on all presentation servers.

    IDT Use Default Device Credentials

    Configures auto login IDT credentials. By default it is set to true, which means IDT will attempt to connect using the default device credentials. If set to false, IDT will not use the default device credentials to connect unless no other username/password enable prompts are retrieved from a relevant authentication GR. The default device credentials can be configured using the properties listed earlier in this table: Default Device Enable Password, Default Device Password and Default Device Username.

    Instance Identifier

    A unique name should be provided for this particular instance of NCM, for example, ITNCM.

    Internal Housekeeping - Interval

    Frequency that Internal Housekeeping is performed.

    Internal Housekeeping - JMS Message Keep Time

    Configure the number of days to store JMS messages.

    Internal Housekeeping - UOW Information Keep Time

    Configure the number of days to store internal UOW information.

    ITNCM Help URL Default URL to access ITNCM help.

    ITNCM WebStart Server

    The fully qualified hostname or the IP Address of the server that serves the JNLP launch file for WebStart client applications.

    The default value is localhost. To revert to the default value, enter a single space character and save.

    If you enter a server address here, it must not include the transport, such as http:// or https://. The server address must not contain any port number.

    An example of a valid server address is:

    An example of a valid IP address is:

    Logon Message

    Configure the content of a Logon Message. This appears when the user has entered ITNCM - Base login credentials, and selected the Login button; appears before ITNCM - Base is invoked. Message will be displayed only when the Logon Message Display is set to True.

    Logon Message Display

    If True is selected, the properties specified in the Logon Message and Logon Message Title will be displayed. False by default.

    Logon Message Title

    Configure a title for the Logon Message.

    Maximum Client Memory

    Maximum Java Heap Setting for WebStart client.


    Maximum time for device to send back complete response.

    Memory Manager - Best Effort Allocation

    IBM Tivoli Use Only*

    Memory Manager - Debug Enabled

    IBM Tivoli Use Only*

    Memory Manager - Default Driver Memory

    IBM Tivoli Use Only*

    Memory Manager - Default Driver Memory (64 bit)

    IBM Tivoli Use Only*

    Memory Manager - Default Task Memory

    IBM Tivoli Use Only*

    Memory Manager - Default Task Memory (64 bit)

    IBM Tivoli Use Only*

    Memory Manager - Driver Memory Scale Factor

    IBM Tivoli Use Only*

    Memory Manager - Driver Memory Scale Factor (64 bit)

    IBM Tivoli Use Only*

    Memory Manager - Enabled

    IBM Tivoli Use Only*

    Memory Manager - Maximum Wait Time

    IBM Tivoli Use Only*

    Memory Manager - Memory Reserved For Drivers

    IBM Tivoli Use Only*

    Memory Manager - Memory Reserved For Drivers (64 bit)

    IBM Tivoli Use Only*

    Memory Manager - Memory Reserved For Reallocation

    IBM Tivoli Use Only*

    Memory Manager - Memory Reserved For Tasks

    IBM Tivoli Use Only*

    Memory Manager - Memory Reserved For Tasks (64 bit)

    IBM Tivoli Use Only*

    Memory Manager - Percent Free Memory Allocatable

    IBM Tivoli Use Only*

    Memory Manager - Schema Scale Factor

    IBM Tivoli Use Only*

    Memory Manager - Schema Scale Factor (64 bit)

    IBM Tivoli Use Only*

    Minimum Client Memory

    Minimum Java Heap Setting for WebStart client. Default is 32MB.

    Network Resource Event Registration

    Allows the administrator to turn off the Network Resource Event, so it is not written to the database. Network Resource Events are those affecting network resources such as command sets being applied, configuration synchronization and import, and so forth.

    Page Size for Native Commands

    Number of lines per page for a Configuration's native source. Default is 10000. Please note any change to this setting will only take effect when the device is re-imported.

    Resource Event Registration

    Allows the administrator to turn off the Resource Event, so it is not written to the database. Resource Events are those affecting the movement of all resources in the ITNCM system. Create, move, rename and delete of resources are all covered by these events.

    Show modelled hardware

    When set to True, this property displays Modelled Hardware in the Hardware tab. When set to True, Native Hardware will be displayed.

    Server Timeout

    Number of seconds after which a failed connection to server will timeout.

    SNMP Local Engine ID Allows configuration of the SNMP engine ID

    SNMP Trap Flood Prevention

    The minimum time, in milliseconds (ms), that the system waits after sending a trap before sending another trap. For example, if this property is set to the value 3, the system will send no more than one trap every 3 ms.

    SNMP Trap Recipients

    Specifies a list of servers to which the SNMP trap messages are sent. The value should take the following form: hostname:port:optional community string, e.g. If there are multiple SNMP trap recipients specified, they should be separated by commas.

    SNMP Trap Retries

    The maximum number of times the system will attempt to resend unacknowledged traps.

    SNMP Trap Timeout

    The maximum time, in milliseconds (ms), that the system waits for a trap acknowledgement before resending the data.


    Timeout for connecting to the socket.

    Synch from ITNCM - Base to Device - allow stale config

    Determines whether a stale config can be synched to a device.

    Task Lock Clean Up Interval -2 Every 2 minutes the lock clean-up code will run and poll the locks table for locks that should be removed. That is, locks for finished tasks, and locks for tasks not begun within a specified period.
    Task TimeOut - 5 If a thread locks a device and does not set the task to execute within 5 minutes, the lock is cleared, and another thread will pick up the task.

    tipserver url

    URL of Integrated ITNM-TIP Server/Local TCR Server.

    tip wizard - disaster recovery

    Disaster recovery option for the Submit Configuration TIP wizard. When applying a versioned configuration if a device is unmanageable enabling disaster recovery will push the entire versioned configuration to the device using the native CLI commands.

    tip wizard - execution order

    Determines the execution order of command sets in the Apply Modelled Command Set and Apply Native Command Set TIP wizards. Options are Apply device at a time and Apply command set at a time.

    tip wizard - FAILURE OPTION % ERRORS

    Determines the total percentage of errors allowed before failure for a UOW submitted via an Apply Modelled Command Set or Apply Native Command Set TIP wizards. Only applicable if the 'TIP Wizard - Failure Option Type' system property has been set to 'Fail After Percentage Errors'.

    tip wizard - failure option total errors

    Determines the total number of errors allowed before failure for a UOW submitted via an Apply Modelled Command Set or Apply Native Command Set TIP wizards. Only applicable if the 'TIP Wizard - Failure Option Type' system property has been set to 'Fail After Total Errors'.

    tip wizard - failure option type

    Failure options when dealing with multiple devices and/or multiple command sets in the Apply Modelled Command Set and Apply Native Command Set TIP wizards. Options are Ignore All Errors, Fail After Total Errors, and Fail After Percentage Errors.

    tip wizard - pre-emptive compliance

    Pre-Emptive Compliance options for Apply Modelled Command Set, Apply Native Command Set, and Submit Configuration TIP wizards. Options are No Pre-emptive Compliance, Report Compliance Failures Only, Block Configuration Change On New Compliance Failures, and Block Configuration Change On Any Compliance Failures.

    tip wizard - rollback mode

    Determines the rollback mode for the Apply Modelled Command Set and Apply Native Command Set TIP wizards. Options are None, Rollback Failed Network Resources, and Rollback All Command Sets.

    tip wizard - rollback options

    Determines the rollback options for the Apply Modelled Command Set and Apply Native Command Set TIP wizards. Options are No Rollback, Modelled Rollback, Reboot Device, and Modelled Rollback and Reboot Device.

    tip wizard - rollback verification

    Determines whether rollbacks should be verified for the Apply Modelled Command Set and Apply Native Command Set TIP wizards.

    Welcome Message

    Configure the content of a Welcome message. This appears when the user has successfully logged on to ITNCM - Base. Message will be displayed only when the Welcome Message Display is set to True.

    Welcome Message Display

    If True is selected, the properties specified in the Welcome Message and Welcome Message Title will be displayed. False by default.

    Welcome Message Title

    Configure a title for the Welcome Message as above.

    Wizard * <screen name>

    Visibility configuration for all screens involved in the UOW submit wizard.

    Work Event Registration

    Allows the administrator to turn off the Work Event, so it is not written to the database. Work Events are those which change the state of UOWs.

    Worker Server Control Update Period

    Controls how often the Worker Server Control State is updated. If changes are made to a Worker Server, this property dictates how often the updates shall run and therefore how quickly any modifications are applied. Default is 30 seconds.

    Write Verified Changes

    When set to True, it performs a final compare between the new running config and the old current config to show changes. It then writes the diffs out to the UOW log. The workflows affected are Apply Config (submit), Apply Command Set, Apply Native Command Set.

    Default Device Loader Realm

    This specifies the realm where devices from NCM shall be placed by default. The value should be in the following format: .

    <Default device loader realm>/
    <ITNM Domain name>/

    For example: MyServer/domains.

  5. Optional: To revert the value to the original default value, click Default > Update.
  6. Click Close to exit the System Properties window.