Configuring Application Discovery Observer jobs

The Application Discovery Observer job retrieves network topology data, including discovered applications, their components, configurations and dependencies, from the Application Discovery database via REST API, and uses this data to create topologies within the Agile Service Manager topology service.

The Application Discovery services are installed as part of the core installation procedure. This includes the Application Discovery Observer, Application Discovery engines and Db2 docker containers, which have been installed and should be running.

Before you configure an application discovery job, you must configure the discovery details. This procedure is described here: Configuring application discovery service

When successful, the configuration details will be saved in topology management artifacts.

The Application Discovery Observer job retrieves topology data from the Application Discovery database via REST API. The observer loads and updates the resources and their relationships within the Netcool Agile Service Manager core topology service.

You define and start the following job.
Load job
By default, these jobs are one-off, transient jobs that perform a full upload of all requested topology data as soon as they are triggered.
You can also run these jobs (again) manually from the Observer UI, or schedule them to run at set times when configuring them.
Note: You can only run one job per profile.
  1. On the Observer jobs page, perform one of the following actions:
    To edit an existing job
    Open the List of options overflow menu next to the job and click View & edit.
    To create a new job
    Click Add a new job + and select the AppDisco Observer tile.
  2. Enter or edit the following parameters, then click Save to save your job and begin retrieving information.
    Table 1. Application Discovery Observer Load job parameters
    Parameter Action Details
    Unique ID Enter a unique name for the job Required
    Profile ID for common configuration schema Specify the Application Discovery configuration ID Required
    Flag to trigger AppDisco discovery Set to 'true' to trigger both AppDisco and AppDisco observer discovery, and 'false' to trigger AppDisco observer discovery only. Required
    Date Extend the result set returned to Agile Service Manager based on the date given. Set to empty for snapshot discovery. Optional. Date must be in dd-mm-yyyy HH:mm:ss format
    Job schedule

    Specify when the job should run, and whether it should run at regular intervals.

    By default the job runs immediately, and only once.

    Optionally you can specify a future date and time for the job to run, and then set it to run at regular intervals after that.

    Optional. Transient (one-off) jobs only.

    If you set a job schedule, the run intervals must be at least 90 seconds apart, and if you set them at less than 15 minutes, a warning is displayed, as the frequency can impact system performance.

    Observer job description Enter additional information to describe the job. Optional
The Application Discovery Observer job discovers and then uploads the application services data to the Agile Service Manager topology service.