Editing resource type styles

You assign existing or new custom icons to particular resource types using the Resource Types page accessed through DASH. Here you can also apply further resource type style edits, such as adding custom labels to a resource type, and changing its shape, size, border and background.

To access the Resource Types page, you must have the admin role inasm_admin assigned to you. See the Configuring DASH user roles topic for more information.

Tip: If you intend to create a number of icons without assigning them to specific resource types, or simply want to edit or delete icons, use the procedure described in the Defining custom icons topic. However, it may be more convenient to define custom icons as described from step four of the following procedure, as the custom icon is then immediately assigned to the previously selected resource type.
  1. As a user with the inasm_admin role, log into your DASH web application.
  2. Select Administration from the DASH menu.
  3. Select Resource Types under the Agile Service Management heading.
    The Resource Types page is displayed, which lists all existing resource types in table format in sortable columns. The table also displays the icons for the resource types and their names, categories (if defined), whether they are system icons or custom icons, and whether they have custom labels, styles or shapes. From here, you edit existing resource types, and then associate existing icons with them, and apply resource styling.
  4. Click Edit to edit an existing resource type.
    The Edit Resource Type page is displayed. You can toggle between the Identification and the Styling tabs.
    Restriction: You cannot change the name of an existing resource type.
  5. On the Identification tab, define the selected resource type's icon, label and shape.
    1. Choose an icon to associate with the resource type using one of the following methods:
      From the Icon drop-down list
      If you open the Icon drop-down list, all icons are listed by name in alphabetical order.
      From the View all icons button
      If you click the View all icons button, all icons are displayed in alphabetical order.
      Click an icon to associate it with the resource type.
      From the Quick assign button
      If an icon exists with the same name as the resource type, click the Quick assign button to select it without having to sort through all existing icons.
      This function is useful if you have added a custom icon, and are now assigning it to a resource type with the same name.
      From the Define new custom icon button
      From here you can define a custom icon, which is automatically associated with the resource type when done.
      Click the Define new custom icon button to display the Custom Icons page.
      Click New to create a new icon. Alternatively, click the 'edit' symbol to edit an existing icon. After you have selected or created an icon, the Configure Resource Type page is displayed. Use the following information to define the icon:
      Icon properties
      Each custom icon must have a name that uniquely identifies the icon when assigning it to a type.
      Remember: You cannot change the name of an existing icon. If you want an icon to have a different name, create a new icon, then delete the old one.
      Icons are defined inside an SVG editor, which performs an XML validation check.
      Each icon definition must be valid svg xml with a given viewBox, which is important to ensure scaling of the image.
      The svg definition must include inline styling of the image, such as stroke color and fill color. Use of style classes is not advised, as it can cause visualization issues on some browsers. If style classes must be used, naming must be unique for each svg image to prevent class definitions from being overwritten.
      Optionally, each icon can be assigned to a category, which allows you to group icons of the same type or function together when displaying them in a list.
      Remember: You can also create custom icons from the Custom Icons page accessed through DASH, which is described in the Defining custom icons topic.
    2. Define the label for the resource type by editing the following fields:
      By default the name of a property (asmProperties.name) is used as the label that is displayed in the topology.
      You can replace this by typing in a custom label for the resource type.
      Label Maximum Length
      You can override the default label length of 15 characters to avoid truncating the displayed label.
      Warning: Avoid labels that are too long, as long labels may overlap in the topology. The maximum suggested label length is 20 characters.
    3. Choose a shape for the resource type from the Resource Shape drop-down list.
      The default shape for a resource in the Topology Viewer is a circle, or a square for a host server. You can change the shape of the resource type to one of the following shapes:
      • Circle
      • Square
      • Hexagon
      • Vertical hexagon
  6. On the Styling tab, define the selected resource type's border color, border pattern, background color, and resource display size.
    1. Change the border color by entering a hex definition. The default border color is #171717.
    2. Change the border pattern. The default pattern is ''.
    3. Change the background color for the resource. The default is #F3F3F3 (a very light grey).
    4. Select a size for the resource type. The default is medium.
      You can further refine the size function by specifying how certain resource properties effect the size of the resource type displayed. For example, resource types can appear larger depending on the number of connections they have with other resources.
  7. Click Save to return to the Resource Types page.
The changes you have made to the resource type and its associated icon are now displayed in the Resource Types table.