show rbm

This command lists the settings of the role-based management (RBM) configuration.


show rbm


The show rbm command lists the role-based management (RBM) configuration.


mqa# show rbm

rbm [up]
 admin-state enabled
 au-method local
 au-ldap-search off
 ldap-prefix cn=
 au-force-dn-ldap-order off
 au-cache-mode absolute
 au-cache-ttl 600 Seconds
 au-ldap-readtimeout 60 Seconds
 mc-method local
 mc-ldap-search off
 mc-ldap-readtimeout 60 Seconds
 fallback-login disabled
 restrict-admin off
 pwd-minimum-length 6
 pwd-mixed-case off
 pwd-digit off
 pwd-nonalphanumeric off
 pwd-username off
 pwd-aging off
 pwd-max-age 30 Days
 pwd-history off
 pwd-max-history 5
 cli-timeout 0 Seconds
 max-login-failure 0
 lockout-duration 1 Minutes
 mc-force-dn-ldap-order off
 password-hash-algorithm md5crypt
 ssl-client-type client
 mc-ssl-client-type client