REST management interface
The REST management interface provides access to the actions and to the configuration and status resources on the appliance.
The REST management interface is used to manage the appliance itself
For REST commands for administering IBM® MQ, see Administering IBM MQ by using the REST API, also see Administrative REST API reference in the IBM MQ documentation. For the REST messaging commands, see REST API resources in the IBM MQ documentation
You can use the management REST interface to view status or configuration data, or to configure and reconfigure the appliance. You can send HTTP requests to the REST interface port and receive JSON-formatted responses with a payload and indication of success or failure. To send requests and receive responses, you can use the curl program, a similar shell tool, or a browser tool such as one for Firefox or Chrome. The response contains information about the resource at the URI target. You can also use the REST management interface by incorporating requests into programs that you write.
- /mgmt/config/default/configuration_objects
- /mgmt/status/default/status_objects
- /mgmt/actionqueue/default/
- /mgmt/filestore/
- /mgmt/metadata/
- /mgmt/types/
REST management uses the HTTP GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE methods on its URIs. Not every resource is available for all HTTP methods. For example, status resources support only the GET method, where configuration resources allow more supported methods. You can retrieve the list of supported HTTP methods on any URI by sending the OPTIONS request to that URI.
The response payload conforms to the Hypertext Application Language standard. With this format, you can identify available resources in the JSON responses.