
This command enters Ethernet Interface mode to manage the configuration of Ethernet interfaces. Before you configure an interface, obtain the essential network data from your network team.


Accesses the configuration of an Ethernet interface
ethernet name
Deletes the configuration for an Ethernet interface
no ethernet name


Specifies the name of the configuration. The show link command lists the supported Ethernet interfaces.


The ethernet command enters Ethernet mode for a specific Ethernet interface.

If you use a name for an Ethernet interface that your appliance type does not support, you create that configuration. However, this configuration is not associated with the appliance and cannot be used for traffic. When you import a configuration from another appliance type, the import operation can create these unsupported Ethernet interface configurations.
  • If you accidentally create a configuration, use the no ethernet command to delete it.
  • When the configuration is created from an import operation, you might need the configuration details.
    • If you need these details, modify the configuration for supported Ethernet interfaces. After you modify the configurations, use the no ethernet command to delete the configuration for unsupported Ethernet interfaces.
    • If you do not need these details, use the no ethernet command to delete the configuration for unsupported Ethernet interfaces.
The no ethernet command deletes the configuration for an Ethernet interface. You can delete the configuration for supported interfaces. If you delete the configuration for a supported interface, you can use a following approach to have a supported interface that can be used for traffic.
  • You can create the configuration again.
  • Restart the appliance to re-re-create the interface.

To disable an Ethernet interface, use the admin-state command in Ethernet interface mode.


  • Enter Interface mode for the eth10 Ethernet interface.
    # ethernet eth10
    Modify Ethernet Interface configuration
  • Disable the eth10 Ethernet interface.
    # ethernet eth10
    Modify Ethernet Interface configuration
    # admin-state disabled
    # exit
  • Delete the configuration for the eth5 Ethernet interface.
    # no ethernet eth5