
Class WLInitWebFrameworkResult

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.worklight.androidgap.api.WLInitWebFrameworkResult

  • public class WLInitWebFrameworkResult
    extends java.lang.Object
    Describes the outcome of IBM MobileFirst Platform initialization process. There are several codes for the status of the initialization: SUCCESS - The web framework initialization completed successfully. FAILURE_INTERNAL - There was an internal unspecified error. FAILURE_UNZIP - IBM MobileFirst Platform failed to unzip the web resources. FAILURE_CHECKSUM - There was a problem with the completeness of the web resources. FAILURE_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE - There wasn't enough space on the device for extracting the web resources, the required space (in bytes) can be obtained using WLInitWebFrameworkResult.getData().get("spaceRequired").
    • Field Detail

      • SUCCESS

        public static int SUCCESS

        public static int FAILURE_INTERNAL

        public static int FAILURE_UNZIP

        public static int FAILURE_CHECKSUM

        public static int FAILURE_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE

        public static java.lang.String DATA_SPACE_REQUIRED
    • Constructor Detail

      • WLInitWebFrameworkResult

        public WLInitWebFrameworkResult(int code,
                                java.lang.String message)
      • WLInitWebFrameworkResult

        public WLInitWebFrameworkResult(int code,
                                java.lang.String message,
                                java.util.Map data)
    • Method Detail

      • getStatusCode

        public int getStatusCode()
        SUCCESS - The web framework initialization completed successfully. FAILURE_INTERNAL - There was an internal unspecified error. FAILURE_UNZIP - IBM MobileFirst Platform failed to unzip the web resources. FAILURE_CHECKSUM - There was a problem with the completeness of the web resources. FAILURE_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE - There wasn't enough space on the device for extracting the web resources, the required space (in bytes) can be obtained using WLInitWebFrameworkResult.getData().get("spaceRequired").
        The status of the initialization.
      • getMessage

        public java.lang.String getMessage()
        The default error message according to the status of the initialization.
      • getData

        public java.util.Map getData()
        Returns a map of extra data on the result of initialization, i.e. spaceRequired

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