On a Tomcat 8 application server, if you use a MySQL database, some calls from MobileFirst Operations Console to
services return a 404 error.
On a Tomcat 8 application server, if you work with a MySQL database, when you use MobileFirst Operations Console to delete
an app, or add a new one, and try to refresh the console a couple of times, you might see stale
data. For example, users might see an already deleted app in the list.
To avoid this problem, change the isolation level to READ_COMMITTED, either in
the data source, or in the database management system.
For the meaning of
MySQL documentation at
- To change the isolation level to READ_COMMITTED in the data source, modify the
server.xml Tomcat configuration file: In the <Resource
name="jdbc/mfpAdminDS" .../> section, add the
defaultTransactionIsolation="READ_COMMITTED" attribute.
- To change the isolation level to READ_COMMITTED globally in the database
management system, refer to the SET TRANSACTION Syntax page of the MySQL documentation at