Creating an alert definition for app crashes

You can create an alert definition based on app crashes.

Before you begin

Ensure that the MobileFirst Analytics Server is started and ready to receive client logs.

About this task

In this example, you use app crash data to create an alert definition. The alert monitors all app crashes in the last 2 minutes, and continues to check every 2 minutes, until the alert definition is disabled or deleted. An alert is triggered for each app that crashed 5 or more times.


  1. In the MobileFirst Analytics Console, click the Alert Management tab.
  2. Click Create Alert.
  3. Provide the following values:
    • Alert Name: Alert for App Crashes
    • Message: App Crash Alert
    • Query Frequency: 2 Minutes
    • Event Type: Application Crashes
      • Application Name: Any Application
      • Application Version: Any Version
      • Threshold
        • Threshold Type: Crash Count
        • Operator: is greater than or equals 5
    The following image shows the alert definition tab:
    Alert definition tab for app crashes.
  4. Click the Distribution Method tab, and provide the following value:
    • Method: Analytics Console Only
      Note: Choose the Analytics Console and Network Post option if you want to additionally send a POST message with a JSON payload to your customized URL. The following fields are available if you choose this option:
      • Network Post Url (required)
      • Headers (optional)
      • Authentication Type (required)
  5. Click Save.


You created an alert definition to trigger an alert at the end of each 2-minute interval if the number of app crashes reached your threshold of 5 or more crashes.