In the command line, cd to the location
for the new Maven project, then type in the following command: mvn archetype:generate
following is an explanation of the parameters for the
archetype:generate command:
- archetypeGroupId
- Archetype group ID. Identifies the MobileFirst adapter
archetype template. Specify in all
- archetypeArtifactId
- Archetype artifact ID. Identifies the MobileFirst adapter
archetype template. Specify one of the following:
- adapter-maven-archetype-http to create a JavaScript adapter with HTTP
- adapter-maven-archetype-sql to create a JavaScript adapter with SQL
- archetypeVersion
- Archetype version. Identifies the MobileFirst adapter
archetype template. Specify the latest version available in the repository.
- groupId
- Sets the group of the new Maven project. Specify your own value.
For more information, see What
is the POM?
- artifactId
- Sets the artifact ID of the new Maven project. This value will
later be used as the adapter name. Specify your own value.
Note: The
artifact ID can contain alphanumeric characters and underscores, and
must start with a letter.
- version
- Sets the version of the new Maven project. Set your own value.
The default is 1.0-SNAPSHOT.