Installing MobileFirst Studio
You install MobileFirst Studio from your existing Eclipse IDE workbench.
Before you begin
- Ensure that your computer meets the system requirements for the software that you install, as detailed in System requirements. In particular, note the required versions of Eclipse (errors might occur if you use other versions or editions).
- If you anticipate using IBM® Dojo Toolkit V1.10.1 that is available as part of MobileFirst Studio, ensure that Eclipse V4.4.1 or higher is installed.
- For Android development, ensure that Android SDK and Oracle JDK are installed.
- Ensure that an Internet connection is available in case dependencies that are required by the installation are not already included in the Eclipse IDE.
About this task
MobileFirst Studio is installed with a P2 Eclipse update.
To install MobileFirst Studio as part of IBM MobileFirst™ Platform Foundation Developer Edition, go to the IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation development website at
To install MobileFirst Studio as part of an IBM-supported edition of IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation, complete the following procedure.
What to do next
Before you run MobileFirst Studio, determine whether you must run extra post-installation tasks.
You can now optionally install IBM MobileFirst Platform Test Workbench, . For more information about IBM MobileFirst Platform Test Workbench, see Installing and configuring IBM MobileFirst Platform Test Workbench.